Prosinac 2012
- Hi everyone :D You probably heard about the whole 'stardoll is closing down' rumor by now, or recived a message - just to let you know and clear the rumors: StarDoll is NOT closing down, Although the message might look pretty well-written and real, it's not - it's just other people messing with you, DON'T believe any message you receive unless it's from the StarDoll Staff. Remember that some people impersonate the stardoll staff so be careful when dealing with chain mail and wanna-bes.
- Fall will be coming to an end here shortly, ladies! I know I just love this time of year! Not too cold but not too warm! PERFECT! To celebrate this great season I have for you a makeup tutorial for an Autumn look of browns and greens. This tutorial looks for the most part like natural beauty which I think the Fall Season is all about.
- Is Justin Bieber sent from up above? Well, he might just be since he wore a pair of angel wings during his concert yesterday. We're actually pretty split on this one so we'll just leave it up to you. Are his wings a super cool (Gagalicious!) detail or is it just too nerdy? Vote and tell us!
- Lea Michele has become a seasoned pro on the red carpet! The beautiful Glee actress wowed the crowd in this breathtaking Valentino v-neck gown which included a cut-out back and thigh-high split. So sexy, so stylish, so Lea! But, can you notice a little beauty fail? There is a blob of foundation on her chest! Oopsie... Luckily, her dress is so beautiful that we don't ever bother!
if you're being Cyber bullied - Tell someone / report the person / stand up for yourself and your friends will surely help you. & if U see someone being cyber bullied, help them U might not know it but if U help stand up for could save their life & protect them from hurting themselves.
Stardoll has lately released Limited Edition by surprise. No spoilers before hand or anything. Hence, it was expected but not so sudden! Anyways, this collection is all about animal prints and hip clothing! I put together a couple of outfits of my own and wanted to share them with you.
- I am going to make up a fun test you can try out. Which animal are you? What animal would you be, if you were an animal? Try this test to find out.
- I decided to talk about cyberbullying and tell you more about what could happen on the internet - Most of you are very familiar with this topic, but it's never a waste of time to remind you :) take a look at what could be considered as cyber bullying and avoid it or report it if you see it :)