Prosinac 2012
- MakeupBerries
- Happy New Year! So, this post is just a quick interview with the lovely tigerpoohpiglet, otherwise known as Holly. She has a unique style and I thought I would give her a chance to share it with all of you. Enjoy! ♥
- MakeupBerries
- Tylerisbold
January is here! That means there's an entire new year ahead of us! We can start making our New Year's resolutions, looking back to the past and forward to the coming year. In Stardoll world, maybe that means becoming Royalty, collecting one-of-a-kind rares, or perhaps owning a popular club.
- Tylerisbold
- 153289161 DEL
Bok dollies!
Malo sam gledala po StarBlogu i po vašim komentarima. Mnoge od vas su nezadovoljne i mislie da nisu uspjele zato što nisu Superstar ili Royaliti. Uvjeravam vas kako nema nikakve veze jeste li Superstar ili ne. Ja NIKADA nisam uplatila Superstar članstvo (nažalost) pa sam ipak uspjela napraviti nešto.
- 153289161 DEL
- Jspaij
- Jspaij
- anci-722
- anci-722
- Jspaij
- Zdravo drage Stardollice :] Želim s vama malo popričati o glazbi. Svatko od vas neka izdvoji listu od pet omiljenih pjesama i neka napiše zbog čega mu se svaka od njih sviđa.
- Jspaij
- anci-722
- anci-722
- Anaja00
- Anaja00