Syyskuu 2011
- Halloweenhän on n. viikon päästä, ja nyt tein sen innoittamana 4 Halloween-lookia.
Photo: Starbucks
Of all the collaborations, is this the most unexpected? The CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund has given its winner the chance to (or asked them to?) design a few t-shirts for Starbucks in honor of the coffee chain’s 40th birthday. Alexander Wang, Sophie Theallet, and Billy Reid each whipped up a limited-edition t-shirt based on their “own experience with Starbucks.” Alexander Wang embraced caffeine jitters: “The first thing we thought of was what everyone tries to avoid—spilled coffee on a t-shirt,” he said. “This turned into the design, hoping people would have fun with it.” Sophie Theallet “was inspired by the global community and all the connections involved around a cup of Starbucks coffee,” while Billy Reid looked to the archives. “We were inspired by the iconic images and American success story of Starbucks over the past 40 years,” he said. “We wanted a certain broken-in quality that looks great worn inside out, is a bit antiqued in spirit, and ready for wear immediately.” The limited-edition t-shirts launched today and are being sold for $85 at and selection Nordstrom locations.
- Michael Stipe, frontman for R.E.M, says: "We built something amazing together and now it's time to leave it all behind" yes you read it, the members of R.E.M are going there separate ways. The band, that was ones named "Best American Rock band" by Rolling Stone Magazine, leaves a lot of great records behind, like Murmur, Document, Green and many more, but it was time. After the band's drummer, Bill Berry, left the, band the three remaining members kept on going and released six more records, but the glory days are over and it's time to say goodbye! we can't say it better then Michael: "A wise man one's said, the hard thing about going to a party is to know when to leave." well Michael we guess the party is over, but what a party it's been!
Rodger Berman & Rachel Zoe arrive at Tom Ford's dinner last night. Photo: Getty Images Tom Ford showed his spring summer collection in London last night and, for the first time since he launched his eponymous collection a year ago, the reviews don’t all rave. Critics agree on Ford’s lack of interest in minimalism, his celebration of a woman’s shape, and his unmatched desire for an almost old-fashioned, put together glamour, but some question the energy of last night’s show and wonder if maybe, he missed something this time around. Below, a few examples of each. Lisa Armstrong, The Telegraph “In fact there were moments when you found all your taste certainties being pulverised. But that’s not a bad thing. Ford is no minimalist (though who knew he had such a crush on purple?) and the heavy garnishing will go down well with all the stylists who were already mentally reserving what they’ll shoot. Fashion needs its agitators. Customers—and there are plenty looking for an alternative to fashion’s pastel, sporty colour blocking crazes next season—will find plenty. Those perforated leather skirts for starters, the leather bombers (worn with silk or leather jogging pants) and the guipure lace.” Jess Cartner-Morley, The Guardian “I’m going to come straight out with it. Deep breath: I didn’t think Tom Ford’s show was all that. Not that it was awful, by any means, but despite the beautiful tailoring and the immaculate execution it fell a little flat. It felt too self-referential. Too many frills and too few new ideas. There were gorgeous, curvy, super vamp dresses that I loved, but the flouncy peasant blouses and corset belts seemed like a Guilty Pleasures version of Tom Ford.” Cathy Horyn, The New York Times “Mr. Ford’s show was thoroughly Tom Ford in its sex appeal and silhouette—tigress hair, smoky eyes, glossy lips, taut skirts and strappy high heels. The collection was loaded up with great day clothes, including loosely laced Moroccan blouses, fringed skirts and some simple but gorgeous dresses with ruching or a belt at the waist and a bubbled hem.” Though she failed to come down on one side or the other, Horyn devoted 75% of her story to newcomer Thomas Tait and gave Ford a mere paragraph at the bottom. Rachel Zoe, Twitter “I can’t breathe from The Tom Ford presentation..there r no words for his genius..xoRZ”
- This week has been great for all us fashion lovers! With stars like Kelly Osbourne and Sofia Vergara rocking the red carpet at the Emmy awards and celeb stylist Rachel Zoe showing off her awesome style at New York Fashion Week! this has been a great week for fashion! Click on the pics and tell us who you think is this weeks best dressed celeb!
Stardoll Admin
- Nykyään monet muotisuunnittelijat etsivät uusia lähestymistapoja vaatteita suunnitellessaan, esim. käyttämissään materiaaleissa ja tuotantotavoissa. Ennen kuin osallistut Eco-Design for a Better Day -kilpailuun, tsekkaa tästä vinkit ympäristöystävälliseen suunnitteluun!
Stardoll Admin
Mitään hyvää ei kannata heittää hukkaan!
Etsiskeletkö inspiraatiota Eco-Design -kilpailua varten? Olet oikeassa paikassa!
Stardoll Admin
- Fame shouldn't change the way you look at the world around you! Even these acclaimed designers are contributing to the world in a way that is unique and ground-breaking.
Check out our Stardoll video about eco-friendly fashion!
- Kun tutustuin henkilökohtaisesti Meudeen, olin positivisesti yllättynyt hänen asenteestaan ja avoimuudestaan. Nopeasti Meudesta tulikin yksi läheisimmistä Stardollystävistäni.
- Tällä kertaa en ole nyt lähelläkään emo- tai scenetyyliä, vaan coctailpartyasu on luvassa! Mekko on suurimmaksi osaksi tehty servieteistä.
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"