Hot news
- Like former President of the United States, Ronald Regan, there might be another celeb at the White House! Forget Donald Trump, we have our sights set on Matt Damon! Back in February, George Clooney stated that while he would never ever go into politics, he thinks that Matt Damon would be perfect for the job! George even said, "I guess I only throw his name out there because I'd like us to start thinking that way." Yes, please!
We think Matt would be a great politician and maybe even President! He's a grounded family man who has good morals and values! Plus he's totally handsome and has a great game face! Vote Matt for 2012! (perezhilton)
- Get ready Beliebers for the Best. Christmas. Present. Ever! Justin Bieber is going to make a Christmas album with all original songs! Isn't that awesome?Justin's manager tweeted, "This Chrismas album is amazing. Might be the best album yet. All originals...soon 2 be classics. every1 i play it 4 is blown away. #excited." And it gets even better! Justin revealed that the proceeds from the album will be donated to charity! That's so sweet! We love him!
We're definitely asking Santa for Justin's album! (dailyfill)
- Außer Jennifer Aniston vs. Angelina Jolie machen unsere Stars ihre Auseinandersetzungen am Set eigentlich selten öffentlich. Aber zwei unserer Lieblings-A-Listers, Jennifer Lopez und Cameron Diaz, sind ganz offen darüber, wie sehr sie sich nicht ausstehen können!Cammy und J.Lo arbeiten gerade an dem Film "What to Expect When You're Expecting" und Cameron hasst Jennifers Diva-Attitüde.
- Lindsay Lohan macht ihre ersten Schritte in ihr neues (irgendwie) nüchternes Leben. Wir sind uns nicht sicher, wie lange es halten wird, aber wir haben noch Hoffnung in sie. Für den Start entschied sich Lilo, sich ein Tattoo zuzulegen. Mit Billy Joel Lyrics. Ja, wirklich....Lindsay ließ sich den Songtext des Liedes "I Go To Extremes" auf ihre Rippen tätowieren.
- Scheint so, als ob sich die Sache zwischen Leonardo DiCaprio und Blake Lively in die richtige Richtung entwickeln würde! Sie sind so verliebt und süß! Wir haben das Gefühl, dass beide total verknallt sind. So sehr, dass Blake extra nach Australien flog, um mit Leo IHREN Geburtstag zu feiern!
- When we heard that Justin Bieber was in a car accident we were seriously worried! Could it be true that our fave pop singer was in a car accident and could be injured?
Thankfully, no! The accident was really minor! In fact, it was so minor that the police didn't even bother to take a report over it. Whew! Justin was driving a Ferrari when a driver of another car accidentally hit the bumper of Justin's car. No damage was done to the cars and everyone was safe! Whew!
We're so glad it wasn't a serious accident! (tmz)
- Als wir hörten, dass Justin Bieber einen Autounfall hatte, waren wir richtig besorgt! Ist es möglich, dass unser Lieblingssänger einen Unfall hatte und verletzt ist?Zum Glück nicht! Der Unfall war keine große Sache!
- Do you guys miss the TV show, Punk'd? We do! It's one of our fave TV shows and has us falling over laughing ALL THE TIME! Well good news, it looks like Punk'd is back and is going to be better than ever! Ashton Kutcher is no longer the host, instead, a different celeb will prank another celeb each week! And guess who pranks who on the first episode? Justin Bieber pranks Taylor Swift! We can't wait to see what Justin has up his sleeve, he has such a great sense of humor! Will you watch the new Punk'd? (accesshollywood)
- Just when we thought Brad Pitt couldn't possibly get any cooler, he goes on and rescues a woman from being trampled to death! Brad is currently shooting his new zombie movie "World War Z" in Glasgow, Scotland and in one particular scene, more than 700 extras are packed into George Square to act out a chaotic zombie invasion. In the middle of a take, one female accidentally slipped in the middle of the storming crowds and she could hardly believe her eyes when Brad was the one to pick her up! A source on set said that even though he didn't have time to speak to her then as it was mid-shoot, she told him how grateful she was afterwards, even though the accident did leave her with a badly-grazed knee.
Good job Brad! It's encouraging to know that the heroic gene isn't completely void of all modern celebrities!
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