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- As you've probably heard, Rihanna has taken a small hiatus from her music career to shoot her very first big screen movie "Battleship". ET News recently did a great interview with her on set, and it pretty much erased all the doubts we were having about the project. It actually looks quite promising! So Rihanna fan or not, we urge you to check it out!
- Following his break up with on-and-off girlfriend AnnaLynne McCord this June, Kellan Lutz seems to have picked himself up and moved on! According to an insider, the 26-year-old Twilight hunk has been dating 28-year-old Australian model/actress Sharni Vinson for the past two months. The source also said that she's a lot of fun, and that they're both really into working out. We spotted Sharni and Kellan stop by a Starbucks for some iced coffee before heading to pick up take out Mexican food in Los Angeles on Friday, so we're guessing that they had a cozy night in!
We guess we shouldn't be too surprised that he managed to move on quickly, AnnaLynne debuted her new boyfriend just a few weeks ago and besides, any of the Twilight boys are sure to have thousands of girls/twi-hards standing in line to date them!
Do you approve of Kellan and Sharni? We think they're adorable and seem like a great match in our eyes, just as long as this isn't some rebound type of thing.
- Are you a fan of super heroes? If you are, you've probably heard all about the new super hero extravaganza film The Avengers! The film has a star-studded (and highly experienced super hero cast) featuring Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston! They have just begun shooting in Manhattan, New York, and we'd thought we'd give you a little sneak peak of what's to come... Enjoy!
- And the feeling is mutual! In the October issue of British Glamour, pop princess Britney Spears gets told that Prince William used to have her poster on his bedroom wall as a teenager. She says that she finds it hilarious, and goes on to talk about the possibility of him and Duchess Kate Middleton coming to one of her shows!
She said, "That would be amazing! That would be really crazy and cool. I think [William and Kate] are a beautiful couple and I totally respect and admire them."
As long as Kate doesn't get jealous, they should totally make it happen!
- Wie ihr wahrscheinlich wisst, hat sich Rihanna eine kurze Auszeit von ihrer Musikkarriere gegönnt, um ihren ersten großen Film "Battleship" zu drehen.
- Nach der Trennung von seiner Immer-mal-wieder-Freundin AnnaLynne McCord im Juni hat sich Kellan Lutz zusammengerissen und die Sache überwunden! Laut einem Insider hat der 26 Jahre alte Hottie in den letzten zwei Monaten die zwei Jahre ältere, australische Schauspielerin/Model Sharni Vinson gedatet.
- Und das mit einem ganzen Film! Vor ein paar Jahren sind Jared Leto und seine Bandkollegen von "30 Seconds To Mars" in einen üblen Streit mit der Plattenfirma EMI geraten, nachdem sich eine Firma namens Terra Firma mit eingekauft hatte und die Band im Jahre 2008 auf 30 Millionen Dollar verklagte.
- Noch wichtiger als die Frage, wer den Award für den "Besten Schauspieler" oder die "Beste Schauspielerin" gewinnt, ist die Frage, wer die Oscars moderieren wird. Viele bekannte Comedians und Schauspieler hatten schon die Ehre durch die Academy Awards zu führen.
- Wir lieben "How I Met Your Mother"! Die Serie ist eine unserer absoluten Lieblingsserien! Alle Schauspieler sind so lustig und wir lieben insbesondere Lily!
- Und das beruht auf Gegenseitigkeit! In der Oktober-Ausgabe der britischen Glamour wird der Pop-Prinzessin Britney Spears erzählt, dass Prinz William als Teenager Poster von ihr in seinem Schlafzimmer hängen hatte.
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