November 2011
Christopher Kane and Alexa Chung at the British Style Awards. Photo: Getty Images
If you’re following the Brits on Twitter—ELLE UK, Net-a-porter, The Business of Fashion—you know that the British Fashion Awards have just wrapped up in London. The night’s big winner was Alexa Chung, who beat Kate Middleton for the publicly chosen British Style Award. Chung wore a Christopher Kane shift and Charlotte Olympia shoes to accept her award. Both designers were honored, too; Kane was given the New Establishment award and Charlotte Dellal was named Accessory Designer of the Year. Marc Jacobs, who’s having a bit of a rough month, presented Victoria Beckham with the award for Designer Brand of the Year, not to be confused with Designer of the Year, which went to Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen. The other winners, below!
Photo: Susan Kirschbaum
While Americans prepared for the Thanksgiving holiday, Tel Aviv kicked off its first official fashion week at the Hatachana pavilion in Neve Tzedek with two dozen shows and a special guest appearance by Italian designer Roberto Cavalli, who re-staged his spring 2012 show. The mixed bag—offering everything from cut up fetishistic tee shirts to belly dancers—verged on caricature at times. The local spice, however, failed to distract from the (mostly) serious designers. We spotted four who have what it takes to break out of the Mediterranean enclave in the coming year:
- Unser Liegblings-Rotschopf Florence Welch aus der wunderbaren Band Florence and the Machines wurde neulich beim Einkaufen gesichtet.
- It's not all red carpet events and fancy parties for our favorite celebrities! They love to play too! With or without kids, we've spotted our favorite celebs having fun at the park. Do they prefer the swing or the slide? Click on the pics to find out!
Hallöchen Freunde,
Ich weiß, ich hab lang nichts mehr geschrieben, wegen der Schule. Aber heute gehts natürlich weiter. :) Ich hab euch 3 Wunderschöne Beispiele ausgesucht.
Guten Tag:)
Nur noch knapp ein Monat und dann haben wir auch schon wieder Weihnachten. Passend dazu gibt es jetzt eine neue Nagellack-Kollektion im Weihnachtsstil.
Hallo ihr Lieben,
ein Hobby ist eine Aktivität in der Freizeit, dass bedeutet wenn du etwas gerne machst ist es ein Hobby. Es gibt ganz verschiedene Hobbies...
- Sorry Lea Michele and Dianna Agron, you're cute dresses and high heels don't cut it! We're officially crowning Kevin McHale as the trendiest person in Glee! In fact, Kevin completely outshines his female co-stars with his cool street style and innovative fashion. We absolutely love him! Click on the pics and check out Kevin's amazing sense of fashion!
- Miley Cyrus' braves Mädchen Image hat sich inzwischen vollkommen verabschiedet! Auf ihrer letzten Geburtstagsfeier, wurde sie mit einem Bob Marley Kuchen überrascht...
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"