November 2011
- "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri is one of the official tracks for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part One. The music video just released and it's amazing! We know all you Twilight fans are going to love it!
- Wir haben ma wieder etwas schönes für euch! Mein erster Blog Wettbewerb für euch!
- Es scheint als wäre kein Star wirklich immun gegen Nacktskandale. Nicht einmal Taylor Swift, von der wir immer dachte sie sei das nette Mädchen von nebenan. Anscheinend hat Taylor Swift kürzlich einer Website namens Celebrity Jihad den Krieg erklärt, indem sie erklärte sie wäre fälschlicherweise auf angeblichen Nacktfotos idendifiziert wurden.
- While Western market places might be too tame for her, Lady Gaga is gaga for the Orient ones! She's currently in India for a scheduled performance at the after-party of the inaugural Indian Grand Prix on Sunday, and she's making the most of her spare time by soaking up the culture. We spotted her shopping at the Dilli Haat handicrafts market in New Delhi yesterday and she did not leave empty-handed!
- Einige unserer Lieblingspromis hatten wirkliche Bad Hair Days! Ihr denkt vielleicht, dass Brad Pitt immer sexy aussieht, aber das ist FALSCH! Brad Pitt, obwohl er einer der heißesten Promis ist, sieht manchmal wie ein alter verrückter Höhlenmensch aus! Klickt auf die Bilder und seht euch die schrecklichen Haare an!
So when I posted here last time, you guys were really keen on seeing some Non-Superstar outfits. This time, I HAVE COME TO THE RESCUE in order to bring you some cute Non-Superstar outfits that you'll be happy wearing. ^_^
- Justin Bieber's Christmas album, Underneath The Mistletoe, drops on November 1 aka next week! But he's already planning his next album before the Christmas one is even released! His newest album, titled "Believe," will be a follow up to "My World" and he's working with some big names like Drake and Kanye West! Justin said, "I'm working with a lot of cool people. I'm working with Kanye. Drake is gonna work on the album with me and a lot of different artists." We are so excited for "Believe," it sounds like a dream, especially for all you Beliebers out there! (perezhilton)
- Wir haben Kelly Osbourne kürzlich in München gesehen und sie sah super schick aus, aber diese Schweißflecken waren weniger schön!
- Up until recently our make up bag was over flowing, we could barely close it! Well, we just did a major overhaul and decided to keep only 8 items! Most make up can double duty as something else, like blush as eyeshadow or bronzing powder to help fill in your eyebrows! Check out the eight items we've decided to keep, hopefully it will inspire you to do the same!
1. Peach blush used as both blush and eyeshadow.
2. Bronzing powder for eyebrow powder and contouring.
3. A matte brown eyeshadow to use as a shadow, contouring, and eyeliner.
4. A whites shimmery eyeshadow, to use as eyeshadow, highlighter, and for the inner corner of your eye to help you look more awake!
5. Vaseline can be used as a primer for your eyeshadows, or as a highlighter for your cheeks, or just for your lips and dry nail beds.
6. A good black mascara! You can dip your angle brush in it and use it as an eyeliner if you don't have one!
7. Red lipstick is great for when you're in a hurry. It's the perfect shade for any occasion!
8. A great concealer for tired circles under your eyes and problem areas!
- Jeden Winter geben wir zu viel Geld für Hautpflege aus, um schöne, scheinende Haut zu haben und es reicht jetzt! Anstelle noch mehr Geld auszugeben, wenden wir uns lieber den natürlichen Zutaten zu, die wir immer in der Küche herum liegen haben!
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