November 2011
Also heute schreibe ich über Pet a Porter ,wenn ihr schon gemerkt habt sehen sie jetzt Flauschiger und Süßer aus ich hab mir gleich 6 gekauft.
- Seeing what celebs wear off-duty always inspires us. We love getting a glimpse into A-Lister's lives! And this week the hottest celebs were mad for plaid! Click on the pics to see what celebs like Ashlee Simpson and Jessica Alba wore!
Photo: Getty Images
The 92nd Street Y’s just announced the rest of their “Fashion Icons With Fern Mallis” series. The fashion consultant, and former head of IMG Fashion, will start recording the conversations for her new Sirius radio show, called “Fashion Insiders With Fern Mallis.” At the Y, Donna Karan’s up first, on January 12, then Tommy Hilfiger on March 8th,Tom Ford on May 8th and finally Michael Kors on June 6th. On the radio show, which will broadcast last month’s interview with Calvin Klein on the 26th at 7PM, Mallis will welcome a more diverse roster of guests, people like Ken Downing, Mickey Drexler, Jay Alexander, Jenna Lyons and a variety of magazine editors. She told WWD, “There is a lot of interest in fashion right now but many people really don’t understand how it works. They might not know somebody has to teach a model how to walk on a runway. So this will. Manufacturers have to make the clothes. Editors write the reviews. I always thought that my job was about celebrating that.” Tickets for the 92nd St. Y talks will go on sale early next week.
Hi liebe Leser heute habe ich für euch Jewelry designs von MandaMichalka. Ich habe fünf Designs von ihrer Kollektion heraus gesucht und hier sind sie:
Auf Stardoll gibt es ein neus Hotbuys-Kleid. Ihr könnt es für 17 stardollar bei boniour bizou bekommen.
- Jessica Alba toke her daughter Honor Marie Warren to a nail salon in Beverly Hills. Manicure, pedicure - the whole package! And, aw, look at Honor's cute nails!
- Like father, like daughter. Snoop Dogg's 12-year old daughter, Cori Broadus, is following in her father's footsteps! Cori just released a new single called "SMH" which stands for "Shaking My Head." Here's what Cori had to say about the single, “I’m really excited to be releasing my second single, ‘SMH’, I hope everyone likes it; I had a lot of fun recording the song and just as much fun shooting the music video! I can’t wait for fans to see that soon!” Her debut album is scheduled to be released in early 2012, we are so excited! With her talent and Snoop as her father, we know she will go far! Will she be competition for Will Smith's daughter, Willow? Listen to her new song below! (celebuzz)
There are very few people in the world who live a life so enriched with success and influence that even long after their death, they are still very alive. These people are known as legends.
I'm here with one legend anyone would know from one glance, Marilyn Monroe.Image courtesy of IMDB
Hei :),
Ich habe mich etwas auf Stardoll umgeschaut und was ich gefunden habe waren Do-it-Yourself-Hair, aber wie macht man solches Haar? Durch den Stardesign Jewelry, also nur für SS.
Hei :),
Heute noch einmal zu den Non-SS MustHaves! Diesmal habe ich auch ein paar ältere Stücke rausgesucht, ich hoffe sie gefallen euch trotzdem und ihr kauft euch vielleicht das eine oder andere davon.
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"meisenberg
Beitrag: "♥Shoppingtipp♥ (3)"