Februar 2011
- Seeing as he's tried everything from acting to releasing his own brand of nail polish, we suppose it was only a matter of time before he would give rapping a go too! Justin Bieber has teamed up with Sean Kingston yet again on the song "Won't Stop" from Sean Kingston's new mixtape King of Kingz. In it Justin raps quite a mouthful. Is there anything this teen wonder can't do?!
- Her "friend" Justin Bieber recently debuted his rapping skills on a track with Sean Kingston, and now she's following in his footsteps! When preparing for the People's Choice Awards last month, Selena channelled her inner rapping diva and covered a Nicki Minaj song. She did it well too! Check it out and tell us what you think.
- "Pünktlich" zum Valentinstag hat stardoll einen neuen Shop namens "Pretty in Pink Heart Shop" eröffnet. Die meisten Klamotten sind in rosa gehalten.
- Kate Hudson ist nicht die einzige, die in letzter Zeit Urlaub in London machte. Wir sahen an diesem Wochenende auch Nicole Riche nach London fliegen! Die kleine Globetrotter-Fashionista war ganz in die Farbe der Liebe gehüllt und eine gigantischen Chanel-Tasche hing über ihrer Schulter. Das muss man ihr lassen: Sie weiß, wie man mit Stil reist.
- Wir sahen die Avatar-Schönheit Zoe Saldana diesen Dienstag beim Shoppen im Tommy Hilfiger-Store in Berverly Hills. Sie trug ihren üblichen heißen, gazellenartigen Style mit zehenfreien Pumps, enger, grauer Jeans und Ray-Bans. Ihr Outfit strahlt Zoe Kravitz-Vibes aus - was natürlich eine gute Sache ist!
- Man sieht Kate Hudson in der letzten Zeit andauernd bei ihrem Verlobten Matt Bellamy in London. Ihr wisst ja, dass sie von ihm schwanger ist und wir fragen uns nun, ob sie ihr Leben in Hollywood bald nach London verlagern wird, um näher bei Matt zu sein?!
Photo: Courtesy of FindCollegeCards.com
These days, the typical weight gain of yore is the least of a college freshman’s problems. The New York Times published a chilling article about a recent survey of stress levels in American first-years- and the results weren’t pretty.Students’ emotional health levels have plummeted to an all-time low since the study first began 25 years ago, falling from 64% ranking themselves as above average (1985) to 52% (2010). Counselors confirmed the results of the survey with what they see in their office every day. More and more students are seeking treatment for depression and psychiatric problems, some of which begin even before the first day of class.
In addition to increasing academic pressures and competition, researchers cite possible negative influences as parents’ financial stress, college debt, and the ever-illusive job search. The survey also notes the widening gap between men and women. Eighteen percent of the men polled consider themselves to be frequently overwhelmed, compared to a shocking 39% of their female counterparts. And although women appear to be more willing to deal openly with their stress, making up about 60% of counseling clients, they also seem to lack the coping abilities of men, who utilize exercise, sports and interaction with college faculty members to their benefit. Dr. Mark Reed, director of Dartmouth’s couseling service, states in reference to the results, “I don’t think students have an accurate sense of other people’s mental health. There’s a lot of pressure to put on a perfect face, and people often think they’re the only ones having trouble.”
Do you rank your emotional health as below average? Or when it’s crunch time, do you keep your anxiety under control? Either way, here are some tips to relax and detox from the pressure: Keep a realistic, sane to-do list. Don’t include more than is humanly possible. When you can’t finish it all (because you are human) you will only upset yourself. Take care of yourself. The guys in this study were onto something: physical and mental health are connected. So that yoga lesson or power nap might give you the push you need to finish your paper. Get a little help from your friends. Everything seems easier when you have your group to put it into perspective. So don’t let your social life die because you’re locked up in the library 24/7. Call in sick. When it’s really too much to handle, take a mental health day, afternoon, hour, and use the time to be blissfully unproductive. Veg in front of the TV, go shopping- whatever you feel at the moment. Ask for help. There’s zero shame in talking to someone about what you’re feeling. Reach out to a parent, friend or resource at your own university.
National organizations, like Girl’s and Boy’s Town and National Mental Health Services, offer confidential conversations and information.
- Hollywood - Thanks to our friends at Teen.com, Posh24 can present you with an exclusive preview from Justin Bieber's upcoming autobiographical movie Never Say Never, which hits theaters in the U.S. on Feb. 11 - are YOU ready for Bieber-Fever? The movie will be in 3-D, so all you Bieber-fans can get up close with Justin as never before! Justin Bieber recently revealed in a TV-interview that he now gets over 10,000 Twitter-messages from fans - EVERY DAY!
Preen, Imaxtree
This look is a hot spring beauty trend that you can start wearing during these cold winter months. Silver in the inner corner of the eyes can make you appear awake and daring. Follow these steps to applying the icy look now and see our picks for products below. Read on Silver Belles…
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