Februar 2011
- We spotted one of out favorite artist yesterday leaving Red O restaurant in Beverly Hills, Adam Lambert! We have said it before and we say it again, ha has such a cool unique style! We love the leather jacket, with the vintage T-Shirt and the boot that goes with it! Keep it up Lambert, we love you!
- Celebrities are changing hairstyles as often as we change lip gloss. Sometimes it turns out good, sometimes not so good. The latest trend seems to be to dye your hair red, but there are other things celebrities do to simply change their looks! The most radical change is simply to cut off like these stars! What to you prefer, long or short?
Hi everyone, how have you been? How was you vacation? Well, I was crazy to get back to our game. Since my blog HOT BUYS addicted (hotbuysaddicted.blogspot.com) completed it's 2nd birthday on february's 4th, I decide to celebrate with everyone wearing HOT BUYS!
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Erin Fetherston’s upcoming line, appropriately named Erin, promises authentic Fetherston style without the budget-breaking price to match. The designer is no stranger to affordable fashion—having collaborated with Target and Juicy Couture in the past—so already she boasts a wide range of fashion followers who love her style. Many designers team up with other companies to put out cheap-and-chic lines which grows their fan base, but once the collaboration is over, those newfound fans are left with no way to pay for the designers’ runway looks. Fetherston addresses this issue by designing a line that is within her brand and within your budget. Items range in price from $73 to $250. There haven’t been any hints as to what the line will look like just yet, but keep your eyes peeled for the line’s debut, slated for this coming fall.
- Reese Witherspoon holte sich bei Le Pain Quotidien Frühstück und trug skinny Jeans und ihre gewohnte Ray Ban Wayfarer Sonnenbrille. Sie wirkte sehr auf ihr Handy fixiert und smste und telefonierte die ganze Zeit. Na ja, da sie jetzt mit ihrem Agenten Jim Toth verheiratet ist, verteilt sie wohl nur Liebesnachrichten. Wie süß!
- Wir sahen Gwen Stefani mit ihren Söhnen Kingston und Zuma in einem Ärztehaus in Beverly Hills. Sie sah wirklich toll aus in Heels und Lederjacke, aber was soll das mit der Sonnenbrille? Ist es ok drinnen eine Sonnenbrille zu tragen, weil du ein Celebrity bist?
- Es gibt viele Arten, eine gute Show abzuliefern, und Kate Perry kennt alle Zutaten für ein erfolgreiches Konzert. Dieser kleine Singvogel ist bunt und voller Lebensfreude auf der Bühne, so wie wir es lieben! Man muss Katy einfach lieben, sie sieht aus wie ein Süßigkeitenladen auf der Bühne und hat immer die verrücktesten Kostüme!
- We saw Gwen Stefani at a medical building in Beverly Hills with her son's Kingston and Zuma. She looked really amazing in heels and that leader jacket but what about the sunglasses? Is it OK to wear them indoors if you are a celeb? Well, she looks amazing anyway... I guess we just are jealous!
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