- What a collab! Will.am celebrated his 38th birthday with a brand new single featuring no less than the Biebs himself! The rapper hooked up with Justin Bieber back in February and recorded this up-tempo song called #ThatPower and it really, really gets us in the right mood for this weekend! Listen to the song below and make sure to leave an opinion guys!
- The American Idol host Ryan Seacrest and his girlfriend Julianne Hough have broken up after more than two years of dating! Becase of their busy schedules, they both decided that they need time apart and they are no longer living togheter. This is so sad! We thought that they were inseparable, and the fact that they are now going seperate ways is prett heartbreaking! (perezhilton)
- According to media, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth is pretty split up, but Miley has finnally explained why her engagement ring has been missing on Twitter and maybe they are actually still are still set to be wed! One of Mily's backup singers, Lindsey J. Lee, was the girl who led us on the path of explanation when she tweeted: "Had to send off my engagement ring today to get fixed... one of the little diamonds fell out... I feel naked without it :( so sad!". A few minutes later, Miley responed on her tweet: @lindseyjlee ugh that's the worst! I just had a similar situation except when it happens to me then everyone says my wedding is off."
So THAT'S why her ring has been missing? She was just getting her ring fixed?! Well, that explains the ring part, but we still think there might be some troble in paradise between Miley and Liam. Why would he book a flight to Australia and canceling appearances either way? (perezhilton)
- Khloe Kardashian has got the most perfect curvy body according to many, and now she's revealed how she stays in such good shape.
"It's so boring but it's all just about consistency. Since I have had time in L.A - meaning no X Factor and no traveling to Miami every week - I have had time to stick to a workout", she reveals according to Zimbio.
Khloe also says she's not following any crazy diets or take advice from nutritionists. Everything she does is work out and eat healthy: "I just do it on my own", she also said.
Yayınlanan yazı: "Yaza elveda!"muge_derin
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Yayınlanan yazı: "Renkli saç modası"