

Valentine Fillol-Cordier Thanks Her Bum

162 ay önce

Photo: Valentine Fillol-Cordier

French women are the undisputed masters of elegant and effortless style. Always chic, never overdressed is an American fantasy that 27-year-old Valentine Fillol-Cordier’s nailed perfectly. The London-based stylist and model’s been around the fashion milieu for nearly ten years, a success she owes mainly to her unique style, which she described as “bourgeois homeless.” Born and bred in Paris, she started out in the modeling world at a young age and now works as a creative consultant with the renowned French designer Charles Anastase. She’s worked with the industry’s top talents like Terry Richardson and Juergen Teller and was recently chosen as an ambassador of the new social shopping website Motilo.com, which will allow users to shop with friends and create complete outfits, using features like videoconferencing. We chatted about her career, inspiration and projects.

ELLE: When did you meet Charles & how long have you been collaborating?

VFC: Through friends in Paris more than 10 years ago…I started consulting in 2008 for his first London Show but modeled in almost every single show he did in Paris before then.

ELLE: What made you realize you wanted to work in fashion?

VFC: It was very organic. I enjoy the freedom, the creativity, the sense of starting with a blank page and ending up with something tangible, something aesthetically exciting or challenging. It’s creation I’m interested in—if it hadn’t been fashion it would have been something else, music or art perhaps.

ELLE: How did you get into modeling?

VFC: I was underage and ambitious. That will get you a long way in fashion Aside from having a fantastic butt of course.

ELLE: What do you like most about being a stylist?

VFC: Being able to collaborate with incredible visual talents such as Charles Anastase, Juergen Teller, Dossier, Charlotte Olympia…

ELLE: Do you design as well?

VFC: It’s early days. You need flare and a strong personal aesthetic to design, but it’s also very technical.  I have a lot to learn, but I’m eager and adaptable.

ELLE: What’s your role with Motilo.com?

VFC: I’m an ambassador for the website. It’s way ahead, and technically very sophisticated. This scared me at first as I’m very crafty, very hands on, but I’ve learned that one can truly complement the other.

ELLE: Do you consider your sense of style Parisian? Does it change?

VFC: Of course. Although not in that hammed up, clichéd way you see in some adverts. We’re a stylish bunch, the Parisians. But we’re not all so mean! I don’t think it changes so much, it has evolved. With age, I think I look more tidy.

ELLE: Who or what inspires you ?

VFC: Women artists, feminism, Joan Rivers, Yves Saint Laurent, the 20′s, the 70′s.

ELLE: Any exciting projects coming up?

VFC: I’m working with Purple online, to create films for Purple television.

ELLE: Who would you like to work with in the future?

VFC: Artists.

ELLE: Aside from fashion, what are your other passions?

VFC: Cooking, interiors, my boyfriend and my doggy, Boris!

ELLE: Where do you see yourself in ten years time ?

VFC: Happy. Still.
Tarihinde yayınlandı:Elle

