

Stardoll celebrates its 3rd Birthday!

193 ay önce

Three years ago - the website Stardoll was officially launched, which took over from it's sister website Paperdoll Heaven.

Stardoll has come a long way over the past 3 years, and we have you, our users to thank for it! With almost 30 million members, Stardoll has had 42 million visitors, more than 500 million page views and our users have created a whopping 1.2 million clubs!

Fantastic things are happening on Stardoll over the next few days as we celebrate 3 years of fabulousness!

- Play & Earn Games released - now the more you play, the more Stardollar's you will earn to spend (click here to learn more)

- Special '3rd Birthday' items are release in Starplaza for your MeDoll and your Suite (go to Starplaza)

- Contest - You can join Stardoll's 3rd Birthday celebration - create a birthday party scenery and win a special prize everyday  (click here to join in)

Stardoll has received so many kind birthday wishes from our users around the world, and we wanted to show our gratitude to all our users by sharing just a few of them with you here:

"Paljon onnea ja monia muodintäyteisiä vuosia Stardoll.comille!" (Aaliyah in Finland)

”I wish many trendy years to go! Happy birthday!”

"Jetzt gibt es so viele Dinge: Collagen, MakeUp, StarDesign, unglaublich viele Sachen und Möbel und Freunde... Die Seite hat sich wirklich unglaublich viel entwickelt in den letzten 3 Jahren.“ (*kitty_2oo6* in Germany)

"There are so many things nowadays: Sceneries, MakeUp, StarDesign, unbelievable many things to buy, furniture and friends… The page has really developed a lot in these 3 past years.”

“Happy Happy Birthday Stardoll ich finde Stardoll einfach spitzen klasse“ (nikki_139 in Germany)

"Happy Happy Birthday Stardoll, I think Stardoll is absolutely wonderful”

Stardoll 3 years ! oh my god ! that's soo cool ! I play on stardoll sinds 2006 & I still think it's a great site ! I'm hoplessly addicted to stardoll ! (: & I really want to thank ALL the people who work every day & night on stardoll !  (MaDEmOiSeLLe17 in Belgium)

Привет! Я люблю этот сайт! Поздравляю сайт с 3-х летием! Желаю
чтобы на сайте было много членов, много новых функций, и
чтобы он был вечно=)) спасибо что вы создали такой
( kristy-kitten in Russia)

Hi I love this site! Congratulations to the 3rd Birthday! I wish you to have many users, many new functions and let’s Stardoll be forever! =)) Thank you for all!

Bonjour à tous joyeux anniversaire sincèrement à toute l'équipe de stardoll félicitation c'est un bon site ( kitty-fashion in France)

Hello to everybody, sincere happy birthday to the whole Stardoll team. Congratulations, it's a good site.

Salut stardoll et joyeux anniversaire stardoll de tout mon coeur (missou55 in Algeria)

Hi Stardoll and happy birthday from whole my heart 

Bonne anniversaire !!!!!!!!! (houda2houda in Morroco)
Happy birthday

Stardoll ¡Feliz cumple ! espero que nunca saquen esta pagina es GENIAL los felicito (selenad in Spain)

Happy Birthday Stardoll. Hope you never close this web page it’s GREAT congratulations.

Hola!!!muitos parabens stardoll!!!O stardoll ja tem 3 anos e espero ke faça muitos mais porke eu kando diver filhos kero ke eles conhesao o sstardoll!! (patriciamsr in Portugal)

Hi! Congratulations Stardoll. Stardoll is already 3 years old and I hope there will be many more because when I have children I want them to get to know Stardoll!

Parabéns Stardoll pelos 3 anos!! Voce merece! Voce dá o melhor para nós e nós vamos contribuir com voce! Boa Sorte em seus planos do futuro,continue assim que mais e mais pessoas vão entrar e vão se apaixonar por voces! Um grande Beijo ás pessoas que fizeram o Stardoll e as pessoas que colaboraram e que tiveram muitas idéias boas!Beijos e SUCESSO! (MeGaLyA in Brazil)

Congratulations Stardoll on your 3 year anniversary! You deserve it. You give us the best we will support you! Good luck with your future plans, keep going like this and more people will be stuck on you! Big kiss to the people that made Stardoll and the people that contributed and had many good ideas! Kisses and BE SUCCESSFUL!


Hey Stardoll! I just want to congratulate for the 3 years and say that I visit this site since it was just paper doll haven, and in this 3 years, you guys just get better! I just want to say thank you for all the fun and friends that I made. I truly hope that more and more years come! Oh, and I'm sorry for my bad english! Clazinha (clazinha in Brazil)

Thanks to all our Stardoller's that help make Stardoll wonderful!

Enjoy the party! And keep having a great time on Stardoll

Fame, Fashion and Friends!

The Stardoll Team

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