

Real Talk - Welcome to the Jungle

58 ay önce


Hey Dolls,


This pandemic has brought people inside and encouraged us to self-quarantine. It's good that so many of us have come back to Stardoll during this time. More people here is excellent. It gives us more friends, more experiences, and more options in StarBazaar! 

But with more personalities come more conflict. It's human nature. We're going to have different experiences because we are different people with different backgrounds at different points in our lives. With the international audience Stardoll draws, that can make for even bigger differences than ones we would have with people on other social or gaming platforms where we hand-pick who we exist alongside. Plainly speaking, I have seen a lot of grouchy attitudes lately. Moreso than usual, and that is what it is, and it's to be expected during a time when everyone's emotions are heightened. But that doesn't mean we have to get nasty. Bullying is still not allowed. 

If someone's world-view isn't as enlightend as yours, remember back to yourself 10 years ago. Did you hold the same opinions? Lord I hope not! I know I have evolved considerably since I was 23, and 33 year-old Rachel's world-view is much broader. I never tolerated hatred, but I can see nuance a lot better now as a 'real-life grown-up' nowadays versus someone playing at being an adult 10 years ago. 

Soon it will be June, which is Pride month. It's the most colorful month of the year and something important to me, so I will use it as an example which you can apply to your own life and the convictions you hold dear. Some people are still under the impression that being LGBTQIA+ is wrong. Either their government or their god or their gut tells them this. I don't feel this way. I love the LGBTQIA+ community and fight for everyone's rights. If you aren't where I am yet on your journey because of what your government, god, or guts tell you, I hope you end up here sooner rather than later. I won't tolerate your bigotry on this platform because it's wrong, and I'll report it because it's against the One-Stop Rules, but I won't bully you either, because bullying is wrong. 

I have learned in my time that no one actually listens when they're being yelled at. Me telling you you're a horrible person doesn't lead to your personal growth, but me advocating loudly for what I believe in, me holding a space for those that society marginalizes to speak, and me supporting others whose fights aren't my own might inspire your personal growth. 

I love drama as much as the next person, perhaps more. But I don't like seeing people tearing down others because they feel a righteous rage; it makes you no better and invalidates your argument to onlookers. If you're fighting against a person, rather than an awful ideal, you're probably doing it wrong. Rise up to the challenge and be better than that. 

As my Auntie Angela loves to say: "Welcome to the jungle... it's a good thing you've got the eye of the tiger, kid." Auntie adores '80s music almost as much as she loves social justice, but basically she meant that it's good to have your eye on the right thing when you are dealing with a crazy situation. 

What are values you hold dear and how are you advocating for them? How can your actions inspire those who don't agree with your point of view to start seeing things your way?


