

Callie Con 2018: Star Blog Q & A

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Hi Dolls!

Stardoll's first Callie Convention has arrived, and to shed some light for those of you who are curious about it, this campaign is similar to real-life conventions and interview panels like the San Diego Comic Con. 

As a Stardoll super-fan myself, I am enjoying this idea so much. I'd love to attend a real-life version of this too. I think it would be fun to interview Stardoll members, StarBloggers & Stardoll Staff and feature them during this campaign! 

But first, I'd like to address the most popular question I've been asked as a StarBlogger:

"How do I become a StarBlogger?"

Before you become a StarBlogger you should know a bit about what it's like to be one...

The Good: 
You gain a coveted position that allows you to do what you love by elevating your platform and being a voice for others. You grow thicker skin. You're part of the StarBlog team and as a good writer, you get to share your ideas and creativity with a global community of readers. 

The Bad:
Pressure to put out excellent content and negative feedback doesn't faze me. But, I'd be lying if I said those aren't downsides for other bloggers. 
Working on the AllDolledUpStardoll channel, taught me that most people who comment fallacies or negative words are bored people that want attention! So NOT worth my time and energy. If it's not  constructive criticism, report and block away or just let it go! Also, something readers may not know is that StarBloggers have to deal with a 1000-character limit in posts. Albeit, it has taught me to be more concise and to the point when writing.

The Lovely:
You will love to see the growth and progression in your writing whenever you revisit the Archives. You get to be a part of Stardoll's history! You'll love people's reactions and how your words made them feel. You'll love giving advice, and helping other members. 


In order to become a Starblogger:

- You must be Level 25 and higher
- Show off your writing ability in diverse topics
- Keep up with the StarBlog and learn the formats StarBloggers use
(Great title, photo and correct language grammar)
- Have an advanced blog with more than nine pages filled with posts
- You must submit original and creative work (plagiarism is a big no-no)
- Remember StarBloggers represent Stardoll to a global community of readers, and must act accordingly.
- Always keep trying and never give up!

Message your blog links to the Contact Us page like clockwork every new season, as sometimes new position slots open up.

Did you know? Stardoll has different StarBlog language teams. (I've been published in the international English StarBlog for over a year now.) If you speak another language supported by Stardoll, try applying for your country's StarBlog!

Good luck, Dolls!

Written by AllDolledUp



