


för 108 månader sedan

Recycling is how used items can be turned into new items and used again. This is really cool, because it saves energy, water, and resources! It also stops the amount of litter we see - good things all around! Here are a few recycling tips - the more you know, the more you can help the environment!

Paper is easy to recycle, and it can make a HUGE impact! Did you know that for every tonne of paper that is recycled, seventeen trees and over 31,000 liters or water are saved? I think that's amazing, which is why I make sure to recycle all the paper and cardboard I use instead of just throwing it out.

Many types of plastic can also be recycled. For example, plastic bottles can be melted and turned into furniture! Plastic items have a number on them from 1-7; check the recycling guidelines for your country to see which numbers can be recycled in your area.

Food and Garden Waste
You can recycle natural waste in your own home by making a compost bin! Many fruits and vegetables hold nutrients in the parts of them that we don't eat, and we can break down this waste in a compost bin to make nutritious plant food. Get an adult to help you search the internet to find composting instructions - it's easy once you know how!

Do you recycle in your home?


