December 2011

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Do you remember Men in Black? What about Men in Black II? If you don't, let us refresh your memory: they are those movies about a secret government agency who knows about aliens and works with them and also fights them. The movies star Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Men in Black was super successful, Men in Black II did ok at the box office, but that was like nine years ago. And now almost ten years later they're making a Men in Black III. Check out the trailer!

  • Stardoll AdminStardoll Admin



    As a part of our ongoing support of the 16 Days campaign, we asked our Stardoll members to submit questions to Radhika Balakrishnan and Julie Salthouse of the Center for Women's Global Leadership.  Here are their replies.
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    We all know that dogs are man's best friend, but sometimes celebs take it a bit too far! Click on the pics to see celebs who are crazy about their pups!
  • MakeupBerriesMakeupBerries


    Hello again! This time im going to do 5 makeovers for every post. Then, on my next post, I will do the natural beauties again. Sound ok? GOOD! (This way I can get through the list quicker!) x Enjoy!

    Medoll: Kiddier

    Before                                        After
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Gwen Stefani isn't the only one scouting for Christmas presents! We saw Ben Affleck with his pregnant wife Jennifer Garner exiting a toy store, although it seems like they left without any finds...
  • Elle.StardollElle.Stardoll


    Raf Simons to Dior?

    för 161 månader sedan 19 Kommentar (er)

    Raf Simons after Saturday's Jil Sander show. Photo: Getty Images

    Three months ago, Raf Simons was allegedly on his way to YSL and Marc Jacobs was readying to sign on the dotted line of a major Dior contract. Now, Marc’s staying put at Louis Vuitton and it sounds like Simons will make the move to Dior. In October, Dior’s CEO Sidney Toledano told Vanessa Friedman at the Financial Times that he knew they’d have to appoint a Creative Director for the house before the year’s end—less than three weeks away. Today, WWD reports that LVMH is working out the final details of a contract with Simons. He’ll have to dissolve his recently extended contract with Jil Sander first, and work out a start date. Neither Dior or Simons has commented, but it’s a partnership the fashion world would love to see. Simons’ modernism and couture-like skills would be a perfect match for (and balance with) the history of the house of Dior. Hopefully today’s news leak doesn’t get in the way of an agreement.
  • ElleGirlElleGirl


    D&G fall 2011; Photo: Imaxtree

    We all know that winter weather takes a severe toll on our lips. At this time of year, no matter how much gloss or Chapstick you wear, or how often you reapply, you can wind up with dry, flakey lips that lower the wattage on even the brightest smile. What’s a girl to do when lip balm just isn’t cutting it? Exfoliate! Give these great products a try or check out our tips for a DIY version.
  • Elle.StardollElle.Stardoll


    Chanel Iman at Belle & Clive's launch. Photo: BFA

    Chanel Iman has been on a roll these past two months. Shortly after her turn on the Victoria’s Secret Runway in November, the model decamped to an island near Jamaica where she celebrated her 21st birthday with a reggae-themed party in the company of friends. ”After the VS show it’s all about me—me and my birthday, everyone knows it,”  she told us at the launch for Belle & Clive, a new members-only shopping site that’s run by Iman was the evening’s host at a party where guests were treated to a sneak-preview of the website that launched yesterday. ”I’ve played around with it before tonight, and when I see something new that I really like I want to be a part of it,” Iman said of her involvement, just before choosing a color-blocked YSL leather tote as her gift for the evening. “It will be perfect for trips to the beach, it matches all of my really cute Missoni bikinis,” she giddily exclaimed in a fit of springy leaps. Alas, it’s nice to know that even VS Angels still appreciate some highfalutin swag. Belle & Clive launches today, request membership by clicking here
  • ElleGirlElleGirl


    Photo: Courtesy of China Glaze

    For those of you who can’t wait for the Hunger Games, hitting theaters on March 23rd of next year, Lionsgate films is bringing you one more way to show your District 12 spirit—with nail polish! The collection is called “Colours of the Capitol” and launches on March 1, giving you a month’s worth of Katniss, Cinna, and Gale-inspired colors to flaunt on your fingertips before the movie is released. The Hunger Games-inspired collection first appeared in a leaked photo on the web last month, causing a serious stir. After all three companies involved (Lionsgate, All, and China Glaze) threatened to sue each other for the rights to the collection, the line was declared dead. Now the polish is back, with changes to some names—“Catnip” became “Fast Track,” and “Primrose” is now “Dress Me Up”—but in all the same colors. With natural mattes, subtle metallics, and eye-grabbing, glittering brights, the wide range of colors is sure to please loyal fans of the trilogy and die-hard fans of great nail color.
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Gossip Girl has to be the tv series with the cutest outfits! We just love how they mix and match into perfection. Take a skirt and a top you never would have thought could look good together and you’ve got a super cute Gossip Girl outfit! We’ve put together our top 10 cutest Gossip Girl outfits, click on the pic and check them out!

