- hawiianbody
- With over 190 million Stardoll members, there are so many things posted on Stardoll. A favorable part about Stardoll is being able to express your creativity on your page.. whether it be through your presentation, StarBlog, or StarDesigns.
- hawiianbody
- Amber_Doll
Sales are a great way to find good items for good prices.
So I looked through the recent 50% sale at Bonjour Bizou and picked out what I think are the best buys!
- Amber_Doll
- CandyLilyMay
Today I want to show off the "serious" look. Today's model annisillamaa already rocks the serious style, but can I do any better?
- CandyLilyMay
- The2gLaMs
I currently only have the Shampoo and this shampoo does make my hair smooth, but it doesn't tame my frizzy dry hair. So, what I do is use a deep conditioner. I will only wash my hair every other day. The more you wash, the more it will leave your hair dry. When looking for a shampoo, look for a creamy color. Shampoos that are clear aren't good for dry/frizzy hairs.
- The2gLaMs
- KimmyyRoxx
- In my latest post, I typed about Spring Outfits. I realise many people are arguing because they say "It's not even close to spring." Well just a quick note about something! ..
- KimmyyRoxx
- ShyViolette
Today I’m going to discuss the inspiration for one of my suite rooms – my World Peace Café! The inspiration came from a little café near where I live, which is run by volunteering Buddhist monks and nuns.
- ShyViolette
- poohg_1993
With Stardoll's 3rd annual MSW competition finally here, also comes tremendous pressure for those of you competing to win it.
- poohg_1993
- Tara.Stardoll
- Некоторые из вас, наверное, уже успели заметить, что мы только что активировали на сайте новую опцию для жалобы на Stardesign. Эта новая опция разработна специально для того, тобы было удобней пожаловаться на неуместные дизайны, созданные в Stardesign.
- Tara.Stardoll
- sparklewand12
- In this post I'll be showing my top 3 buys from Original Future in the StarPlaza. [All photos from stardoll.com]
- sparklewand12
- Lay-Cey
Why use one eyeshadow/liner when you can use three!? A bold lip colour is also a great way to stand out.
- Lay-Cey
- Sofushka999 Популярная статья…: "Новые коллекции в StarPlaza"
- AugustMax29 Популярная статья…: "Большие возможности!"
- --Kayley31 Популярная статья…: "Новогодняя вечеринка."
- SomeBrandy29 Популярная статья…: "Fashion Criticism"