Пришла пора школьного выпускного бала!
Стань модной королевой бала в одежде из новой коллекции.
Окажись в центре внимания одноклассников в роскошном бальном платье. Выбери яркие цвета или мягкие пастельные оттенки,которые подчеркнут и выделят твою красоту. Не забудь про аксессуары – подчеркни талию лентой или поясом,выбери походящий клатч,заколку для волос и для придания образу трогательности-возьми в руки кружевной зонтик! Ты несомненно станешь королевой этого бала!
- During the past week some celebs really managed to fail greatly with their outfits.
Stardoll Admin
- It's that time of year again! Prom season - a time of Red Carpets, parties and balls - the time to put your highest heels on, and get ready to dance the nights away in the most fabulous party outfits yet. This Styled Outfits - Rebel Prom - is not your usual prom style - and is directly inspired by the latest looks on the catwalk.
Rebel Prom, much unlike the traditional prom look is unique - dressy but edgy at the same time. With a menswear influence, this look is modern and street-chic, and ever-so-slightly rockabilly with a 50's element to the style.
Do it differently! With Rebel Prom Styled Outfits outgoing Stardolls can show their individual personalities and have fun letting their edgy-fashionista side come out.
Be couragous, combine blazers, studs, leather jackets, pocka dots, checkered prints and vamp up a girly prom dress with an edgy rockabilly bouffant. Rebel Prom doesn't have to be risky, just experiment with different styles for the prom look, kick back and hang out with your friends!
Be a fashionista and rock your prom, don't forget the all important the accessories for the edgiest look this season!
- Disney star Demi Lovato arrived at London's BBC Radio 1 studios for an interview yesterday and is already rocking her new London look!
- Since Zac Efron practically grew up in Hollywood we're not surprised that he has the superstar look down!
- Ashley Tisdale never seems to put a fashion foot wrong these days! See how she turned heads wherever she ran errands in LA yesterday!
- Жизель Бюндхен ответит на все твои вопросы о летних акссесуарах. Узнай,какая обувь модна в этом сезоне...
- The famous Hills stars all sparkled on the red carpet for the opening of the 26th Annual William S. Paley Television festival in Hollywood last night. Who do you think stole the spotlight?
Who: Tara Bean
What: Flaunt your figure in high-waisted jeans and a breezy top
Wear: Vintage shirt, Corpus jeans, and Lucky Brand bag
Photo: Anne Ziegler
Think you are Street Chic?
E-mail us your photo and you could appear in ELLE.com's Street Chic Daily.
- Mischa Barton has her own range of handbags out and the Spring/Summer collection was released yesterday! Read on ...
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