The title says it! Yes, you can zip off those warm coats because Spring has Sprung.
Today I have picked three types of clothing great to wear for Spring and made an outfit with them, showing you how to wear them. I think these three types of clothing are pretty trendy and let's call it up-to-date!
- Those stubby pencils and tubes of liquid are one of the most overused makeup products in generations today. While lined eyes may be too dramatic for some girls to wear on daily basis, the dolls of Stardoll sure can pull them off!
- Thursday morning at Hotel Nimb in Copenhagen, I witnessed the most colorful collection at Copenhagen Fashion Week. I am talking about Edith and Ella SS13. I’d been looking forward to seeing the Edith and Ella show, because I love the vintage undertones in the designs. The designer and proprietor Line Markvardsen named her brand after her grandmothers, and she has taken inspiration from old vintage styles.
Today I thought I'd show you how to create a nice room with less than 100 items and I'd be creating it from scartch and sharing the process with you guys.
- Ever since the new stardesign hair tool, girls have been uses more depth on their medoll's face! A big trend sweeping dollywood is face shadings. Thankfully, user Kylie_Angel has got us covered on how to recreate this complex trend.
With fishtail braids, blunt bangs, top knot buns, or silky straight drops.. picking out your Stardoll hairstyle is one adventure! Whether you prefer getting your new locks from the classic Beauty Parlor or modern StarDesign here's one method anyone weakens for..
- For those of you in the northern hemisphere like me you'll have noticed that summer is over and autumn is creeping in, night time is coming earlier and the weather is cooling down, school and college are starting again and the leaves are falling on the ground. For those of you that love the summer and are sad to see it go here are some things to do to keep your spirits up these next few months!
Привет всем! Меня зовут Саша, живу я в прекрасном городе Екатеринбург. Увлекаюсь спортом и рисованием. На stardoll уже около года.
Не буду утверждать что я одна достойна стать MSW, все вы достойны этого звания! У каждого своё мнение, но не только Etana может стать MSW.
Today's post on Stardoll fashion to real life fashion is a short one. I just have one item. It's a rare one, though! I don't see this item around too much these days. The tag itself says "RARE Inspired By Givenchy" so if you find these and you're a "rare collector", I'd grab these!
на протяжении моей стардолловской жизни мы с моей куколкой немало потрудились.Я надеюсь на то что мой тяжкий труд,терпение и старание оценят по заслугам!я не считаю себя успешнее других пользователей ведь каждый из нас преодолел порок мучений!Я думаю каждая из нас достойна быть Miss Stardoll World.
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