The Power of Positive Thinking
Ask yourself this question; is the glass half empty or half full? Now if you are an optimist, your answer is 'half full.' If your answer is 'half empty' then you've allowed pressure and stress to bring you down.
Lift the blues with the power of positive thinking. One way to define positive thinking is simply approaching the less pleasant things in life with an optimistic aproach. In other words, expect the best to happen, not the worst - or- when faced with a problem focus on the solution rather than the problem itself.
Here are some top tips to unleash the power of positivity:
1. Use positive language. Focus on "I can" rather than what can't be done.
2. Conjure strength and success. If you don't do well in something, think about what you can do next time to avoid the same mistake, and regard it as a setback/challenge rather than a "failure." Thomas Edison (American inventor) once said, "I did not fail - I just found 1000 ways how not to make a light bulb!"
3. Keep sight of your goal and believe that you can achieve with patience and persistance.
4. Visualise a successful outcome: when you target yourself with a successful result, you will feel more encouraged and better about the situation.
5. SMILE: there's nothing better than smiling no matter what life throws down your path!Remember:
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
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