Callie.Stardoll is Turning 5!
Wow, has come a long way since 2006! We're proud to say that April 5th is the 5 year birthday of as you know it today. But did you know anything about how it started? And how it came to be? Read more to find out!
Stardoll's original name was, and started out as the hobby of the Scandinavian-born Liisa. Inspired by a childhood passion for paperdolls, Liisa started drawing dolls and accompanying wardrobes, and learning web design. Her personal homepage rapidly became a popular destination for teens. In 2004, with the help of her son, she upgraded the site, titled Paperdoll Heaven. Today, Liisa is still an important part of the Stardoll family and she makes new paper dolls every week which you can find at
Today, is still a virtual paperdoll community site for everyone who enjoys fashion, design and making friends, but now we have a large team working on making the latest and best website for all 100 million Stardoll members. Most of our members are girls between the ages of 7 and 17, but we welcome everyone to play on the site!
Stardoll is one of few places on the Internet developed with an emphasis on girls' self-expression through fantasy and fashion play. Stardoll is a great place to spend time with friends and to meet other kids from all over the world.
Thanks to our 100 million users for being there for the past 5 years!
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