How to Comment?
I don't think I'm the only one who has noticed comments sections becoming more and more volatile following controversial blogs. This post isn't meant to preach how to comment, it's meant to discuss how commenting affects everyone involved, and debate how comments should be dealt with.
Personally, I try not to delete comments on my posts. Occasionally, if I see something that is outright bullying on a post about a designer and their artwork, I might step in to delete the hate. Otherwise, I leave comments to depict the differing and versatile opinions that populate Stardoll.
I broached this topic with several other StarBloggers. Many of them agreed that they tried not to step in with commenting unless they felt things were getting out of control. Others felt that deleting comments helped to keep peace.
Even when it comes to commenting on my own or other blogger's posts, I've found that things can escalate a lot faster than expected, and a simple post about sunshine and daisies can turn ugly fast. I have commented in the past, and I won't refrain from commenting in the future if I feel it's necessary.
From a bloggers perspective, I've slipped up. I've phrased sentences wrong. I've missed a few grammatical errors, and I understand how something that seems small and insignificant can turn into a huge debate from someone elses point of view.
At the end of the day, we as bloggers are presenting our own ideals and personal opinions to the public. To me, it feels as though when we signed up to be bloggers, we signed up for the comments section as well; The good, the bad, and the ugly. Freedom of speech is not only a privilege for StarBloggers, but should be an outlet for all Stardoll members. The comments section is just another outlet for everyone to share their opinions.
I do continue to hope that as a whole, people remember to show some decorum, grace, and kindness, however, I understand that sometimes the comments aren't always going to be sweet. Sour is a part of life. I'm fully expecting this post will receive negativity, and I welcome it.
Comment. Speak your mind. If you disagree with something I've written, tell me.
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