

Who's That Doll?

97 месяцев назад

If you think about it, Stardoll is pretty amazing. Even just the ways you can style your doll are practically beyond number! Let's see, with 106 basic hairstyles, multiplied by 68 eyes and 75 lips and 46 eyebrows and 41 noses, that's over one billion ways to create your doll's face! And that doesn't even include Superstar options or the different colours you can use for everything.

The point is, there's a lot of ways to style your doll. Do you ever change it up? Maybe a new pair of eyebrows here, a different pair of eyes there. For a long time, I only ever changed my doll's hairstyle and colour, and maybe her eye colour once in a while. One day, though, I decided I would completely change it up with new eyes, nose, lips, the whole package. It was hard to find a combination I liked after being used to the old one, but in the end it was very satisfying.

Still, your doll is recognizable if you never change their basic look. It's consistent, and there's still a lot you can do without making huge changes all at once. I challenge you to go to your Beauty Parlor and pick out a pair of eyes you've never tried before; there are so many options, you're guaranteed to find at least one you like!

How do you style your doll?

Til next time!

Kat ♥

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