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I guess you've seen this doll's name around a few times but still her work stays unknown to most so I have decided to feature her great fashion stardesigns. This unique doll loves floral prints and I will be featuring her work with a small interview. I present to you; f.iliz!
- What to wear! What to wear! I ask myself this question every day! For this reason, I'm going to share with you all what I chose for my outfit today and why I chose it! Hopefully this will maybe help you when you're trying to find that perfect combination!
- Many of the popular "Christmas" traditions aren't Christian at all and you may be surprised to find out that most of the things you may do are actually Yuletide traditions!
Forget your instant messaging, sms and emails - embrace the wonderful language of flowers to convey your message!
- I have a gem with me, today! For you keen real-brand collectors, you may want to start looking for this one in the starbazaars.
A heart bag inspired by Minna Parikka.
- December has begun and the main thing everyone is talking about is Christmas, but I've decided to take another take on festivals at this time of the year as it is a very important date for people that celebrate Yule (Which is similar to the Winter Solstice). When I was younger I used to see Christmas decorations saying things such as "Happy Yuletide!" and here the word "yule" in old Christmas songs so I just assumed it was another way of saying Christmas. To some extent Yule is just another word for Christmas and in lots of languages (Which some of you probably speak and know about) Yule is a more regularly used word than Christmas but it has much more meaning than that which most people don't know about.
- Hi everyone :D You probably heard about the whole 'stardoll is closing down' rumor by now, or recived a message - just to let you know and clear the rumors: StarDoll is NOT closing down, Although the message might look pretty well-written and real, it's not - it's just other people messing with you, DON'T believe any message you receive unless it's from the StarDoll Staff. Remember that some people impersonate the stardoll staff so be careful when dealing with chain mail and wanna-bes.
- Fall will be coming to an end here shortly, ladies! I know I just love this time of year! Not too cold but not too warm! PERFECT! To celebrate this great season I have for you a makeup tutorial for an Autumn look of browns and greens. This tutorial looks for the most part like natural beauty which I think the Fall Season is all about.
Articol în prim pl…: "Ce înseamnă Stardoll pentru tine?"isabela4033
Articol în prim pl…: "Bunele maniere"ClaraSun
Articol în prim pl…: "Să fim prieteni :)!"CIRESICA200929
Articol în prim pl…: "Cum să te protejezi pe internet?"