

3 riddles to get your mind working!

În urmă cu 146 luni

Hey, Medollies!


I've decided to make a new post, and the theme will be...(drumroll please).......RIDDLES!


I've been searching HEAPS of websites and found lots of riddles that I loved solving, but I've narrowed it down to my top 3 favorites! Hope you enjoy it  (:


1. A basket contains 5 apples. Do you know how to divide them among 5 kids so that each one has an apple and one apple stays in the basket?


Answer- 4 kids get an apple (one apple for each one of them) and the fifth kid gets an apple with the basket still containing the apple.


2. If a rooster lays an egg on the peak of a roof , will the egg roll to the left side or to the right side?

Answer- Roosters don't lay eggs, chickens do!
3. A farmer has to get a corn, a chicken, and a fox across a river. The farmer is only able to bring one of the above items along with him at a time. The only problem is if he leaves the fox alone with the chicken, the fox will eat the chicken, and if he leaves the chicken along the corn sack, then the chicken will eat the corn sack. How does the farmer get all 3 items across safely?
Answer- The farmer brings the chicken across. Goes back and brings the fox across, and brings the chicken back with him to the other side of the river and drops off the chicken, then he goes and brings the corn sack across, and finally he goes back for the chicken and brings it across.
Hope you enjoyed it! (:

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