

The Joy of Giving

În urmă cu 156 luni

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to tell you about some great opportunities. Stardoll has been supporting Human Rights Day with their quiz.  They have also been supporting the Beatbullying campaign, to stop bullying. The first thing you can do is write your thoughts on bullying in your own post to submit on the Contests page. Then you can maybe think about volunteering to help in your local city.

This is what I did to help:

Me and a group of friends signed up to help bring Christmas to a family who otherwise would not have it this year. The organization provided us with a choice of family size and need level. A few days later they wrote back with information on our family. It turns out that the family my friends and I were given, have 2 young boys, they’re 10 and 11, a father who just lost his job, and a mother who is really sick. We were determined to give them the best Christmas possible. We raised $200 and went on a group shopping trip. We were told that the boys like the popular Transformers toys, the mom would like some makeup, and the father wanted nothing, just Christmas. We did the best we could to supply them with a great Christmas. I hope their Christmas will be spectacular.

I just would like to encourage all of you to all do something charitable this holiday season. Not everyone is so lucky as all of us. We all have computers, and food on our tables, and I know that sometimes -- Well often – I’m forgetful of how truly fortunate I am. So just please, think of those in need this holiday season. Also please share how you have helped, or plan to help in the comments section.



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