

Eurovision 2020: I'll call you

În urmă cu 52 luni

The competition may have been cancelled, but the songs remain and we celebrate the unity of Europe and the World. In this article I will comment on the five best songs I singled out.


5. Italy: Diodato - Fai Rumore (6/10)
I remember sitting on my couch and watching San Remo while reading about my university lessons when Diodato came out and sang his melodic song and his enchanting and melancholy voice excited me. I left my book and said that this song can win. So after other great songs and a difficult final, he became the winner and took over the representation of Italy. His song is a classic dynamic Italian ballad that brings out such sensitivity and quality that enchants you.


4. Switzerland: Gjion's Tears - Repondez-Moi (8/10)
Every lyric of the song is heard like a knife that hurts my heart. With one of the most romantic and wonderful languages in the world, French, Switzerland decided to sing about important questions in our lives, in one last attempt to understand life. His voice is really riveting and he would definitely be in the forefront of the jury. So why does death come after life? Pourquoi la mort vient apres la vie? 


3. Bulgaria: Victoria - Tears Getting Sober (9/10)
Her voice is a warm hug that makes you feel like a little child looking at the stars. Bulgaria with a song so melancholic and so emotional and with a singer so charismatic and talented this year had definitely set a goal to win, and Victoria could have done it as she was first in odds. A song that talks about the difficulties of life but teaches that scars will become wounds over time.

2. Azerbaijan: Efendi - Cleopatra (9/10)
One of the best and most catchy dance songs in the competition. Efendi sings for Cleopatra and lights fires with her dance moves. It is definitely one of the songs that would divide the world, but it would simoultaneously get a high place in the public vote. I would like to see how they would present the song on stage.


1. Romania: Roxen - Alcohol You (I'll Call You) (10/10)
From the first note, the first verse I knew this song would win my heart. Both the music and the lyrics are innovative and modern. It is the most modern ballad of the year and the sound is so dark and mysterious that it distracts you. The singer, a rising music star in Romania with the song Ce-ti Canta Dragostea being heard everywhere in Romania, sings about a relationship that did not have a happy ending. Or did she end up singing herself? The stage presentation at the national final of the country gave a second interpretation to the song that may finally show that our enemy may be ourselves. A wonderful voice from Roxen!

 Which were your favorite Eurovision entries?


