

Guestbook Etiquette

În urmă cu 111 luni

Posting in a person's Guestbook can be a great way to start a friendship, but there are a few things to learn if you want to improve your reception by others! Try out these ideas and see if they work for you.

Check the presentation!
Before posting in a doll's Guestbook, check their presentation for answers to any questions you might have and any important information. Many dolls will dedicate part of their presentation to asking for people not to ask for votes or bazaar visits in their Guestbook, and it is important to respect their wishes.

Saying hi, or starting a conversation?
There's nothing wrong with just saying hello in someone's Guestbook, but asking an interesting question will lead to a much longer and more exciting conversation! Try asking dolls what their favorite style, animal, or Stardoll store is - it could be the start of a wonderful friendship!

Asking for votes/bazaar visits etc?
Asking for favors like votes or bazaar visits is often seen as spamming and is not always welcomed in people's Guestbooks. It is always preferable not to spam Guestbooks, but if you are going to, try personalising your messages with a nice compliment about that doll's suite or outfit before asking for your favour. Have a look at their suite and give them an honest compliment - "I love the way you decorated your Alpine Chalet with a wedding theme" is a lot more specific and well-received than "Cool suite"!

How would you like people to act in your Guestbook?


