Decembrie 2012
- We spotted co-stars Amanda Seyfried and Anne Hathaway on the premiere of their new movie Les Miserables. They looked absolutely amazing, side by side on the red carpet, but who put that little extra to her outfit? Click on the pics to see more, vote and tell us!
- We spotted Jennifer Garner out shopping in Brentwood yesterday! Check out her outfit consisting of a white- and yellow colored jumper, blue jeans, grey loafers and an oversized bag, by clicking on the pics! We have to say: we LOVE it!
Hi there Stardollies,
Here's an easy recipe for a yummylicious holiday dessert. Gingerbread Cookies... I hope you'll enjoy this recipe!
- Can't get enough of Justin Bieber? Well now you really can't. Justin Bieber has been out on his 'Believe' tour for quite a while now, and now he's extended the sold-out tour into summer 2013. The tour was originally scheduled to end in January, but now it will resume in June and go on to the beginning of August. Justin also donates $1 from each ticket to charity. So sweet! We hope he's not pushing himself too hard though!
Hey Dollies! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've just been so busy with school, friends, and activities! Anyway, Christmas is coming up, everyone's favourite holiday! So get celebrating.
For my Christmas countdown, I'm going to try and be a better person. I'm going to help with cleaning the house, try not to fight with my brothers and sisters and help people in need. What are you going to do for your Christmas Countdown?
There are so many wonderful styles that I see on Stardoll everyday, and one individual who I always see looking great is elebachia:
- With botox and laser, everything is possible these days but we have reasons to believe that none of these seven stars have used any of the mentioned. Still our jaws dropped to the ground when we found out their age! Can you guess how old they are? Test yourself with our quiz!
Heres the rest of the interview with Dodence_bt!
As Christmas is creeping round the corner, the lights are on, the tree is decorated and the gifts are wrapped (well....almost)! Those of you who are last minute shoppers can get in the festive mood with these top holiday themed films to get you into the spirit of Christmas!
Articol în prim pl…: "Ce înseamnă Stardoll pentru tine?"isabela4033
Articol în prim pl…: "Bunele maniere"ClaraSun
Articol în prim pl…: "Să fim prieteni :)!"CIRESICA200929
Articol în prim pl…: "Cum să te protejezi pe internet?"