1091969 DELhi hilary whats your favorite thing to do for fun??
În urmă cu 215 luniHilary Duffmy sister and i live together and recently we've been cooking for our friends at the house. other than that, i've been working so much trying to prepare for my tour, i have'nt had much free time. i do love pilates though, spending time with friends, shopping , going dancing and playing with my animals
În urmă cu 215 lunipumpkinpie001Hi hilary! I love your new album dignity! My favorite song is "never stop", I have a question if you could go back in time where would you go?
În urmă cu 215 luniHilary Duffi am so happy you like the new record! thanks, i love "never stop" too! if i could go back in time i would love to get to spend some time in a different era. maybe like the 50s or 60s
În urmă cu 215 luni8265019 DELHeyy Hilary!! I'm Norhane from Egypt. You have inspired me soo much in life and you're my idol. You are the role model of millions of girls around the world..how does that feel?
În urmă cu 215 luniHilary Duffwow! Egypt, thats cool. anyway thanks so much. i am flattered, i do feel a little bit of pressure to make good choices because so many people look up to me. its feels good to have people look up to me though.
În urmă cu 215 lunixfashionx3hey hilary its katie.. if you could be any animal what kind of animal would you be?
În urmă cu 215 luniHilary Duffmy dogs are very spoiled, my sister and i always joke and say in our next life we want to come back as our pupppies. they have a EAZY life!!!! but i might want to be some kiond of bird, their not so cute but i think it could be cool to fly
În urmă cu 215 lunipummer16hey hilary what is your fave food?
În urmă cu 215 luniHilary Duffi am from texas so i loooooove mexican food!! now i live in LA so there is alot of good sushi here and i love that too!
În urmă cu 215 luni8151572 DELAside of ieng a singer/actress,what would u be?
În urmă cu 215 luniHilary Duffi have been singing and acting for such a long time that i could not imagine what i would do if i didnt have this job. i did always think it would be cool to be an architect though!
În urmă cu 215 luni