Hello, everyone! I have not been present on Stardoll for some time, but I want you all to know that I have happily returned. School is out! How about that? Another year has gone by and we can finally relax and have some fun (in the sun)!
Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. It is the leading cause of death from a skin disease. Long-term exposure to high levels of strong sunlight can cause Melanoma. One or more blistering sunburns during childhood is another. I am not publishing this post to scare you, but instead, to make you aware.
If you have five minutes, please watch this video below. Have a very happy summer, and enjoy the sun whenever possible. Just please, apply some 'SPF' when you do:
- Hi! ;) My name is Alma, I had the oppportunity to work here at Stardoll AB in Sweden for an intership for two days! I had two assignments:
1: An analysis of every thing ( starting out, shopping, making clothes, and making friends. Basically everything you can do here on stardoll) I went from Non Superstar to Superstar in an hour :D
2: Write an article, as a reporter, The Making of a Stardoll Dress! ...
Here's Part One ...
- Hello, Stardollians (assuming you'd like to be called that)! It's Tyler here and I am back with another (hopefully) interesting post that's worth reading.
For those you that are not aware, I own a Stardoll-based modeling agency. If you keep up with Stardoll users and their creative minds, you know that there has been many user-created (again), Stardoll-based magazines. Rather than featuring real models, they feature Stardoll MeDolls. My management was made to help gorgeous and aspiring MeDolls to land a spot in Stardoll's most prestigious magazines.
Every month we choose one of our MeDoll models to become a "Spotlight Model". This allows you to be showcased more than you normally would. Today I am going to share with you a lovely graphic created by the talented Plami161 on Stardoll. The model is fashionngirl. and he, yes he, is our first ever "Spotlight Model":
The image may be very small here, but you can visit the homepage of the management to view it fully. I cannot wait to hear all of your kind comments and reactions.
Visit the link below for more details:
Olá queridíssimas. Prontas para o tema da nossa Quarta Divertidíssima de hoje? Nada mais apropriado para o último dia de Carnaval, como o próprio Carnaval! Então é isso, se vistam inspiradas no Carnaval e deixem um comentário aqui para dizer se estão participando. Vocês devem ficar vestidas com a roupa-tema apenas hoje, durante o dia todo. Bonecas salvas no álbum não serão consideradas. Quem escrever no meu Livro de Visitas, Album ou Cenários será desclassificada. As vencedoras serão anunciadas na Quarta-Feira que vem.
- Olá queridíssimas. Me desculpem pela demora, mas minha vida pessoal esta mega corrida. Enfim, aqui estão as vencedoras da Quarta dos HBs...
Abra o artigo para ver todas as vencedoras!
The Stardoll Version of NOH8, which was founded in late 2010 by Juciimami827, supports a lot of problems that deserve awareness. Race, The SS and NonSS Division, Bullies, Sexuality and more. The list grows everyday - Literally!
NOH8 allows people everyday to sign a petition that states what certain stardollians stand for. If NOH8 comes across a vital issue in not only Dollyworld, but also the Real world, not being stood up for it is added to the list. This project is to create social awareness, and to show testimonials of not only elites, but everyday stardollians about what they believe. NO HATE.
Olá a todas! Como foram de férias? Eu fui muito bem, e não via a hora de voltar com as nossas quartas. Bem, no dia 4 de fevereiro o meu blog HOT BUYS Addicted ( completou 2 anos, então resolvi fazer uma quarta para celebrarmos esse aniversário. Então hoje é a QUARTA DO HOT BUY!
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"