

Mortal Kiss Weekly Creative Writing Contest Winners

há 173 meses

Mortal Kiss The Online Reading Adventure may have ended...
...but Stardoll keeps the Creative Writing Alive!

For some Mortal Kiss Club Members a Black Wolf left a message in their Suites!

Stardoll MK Club members got creative and told us How they went Missing from Winter Mill's ever dwindling Population!

This Week's Winner!:

...My fainting didn't prevent me to have emotions or feelings. I was afraid to wake up, afraid to see what the wolf did to me. If I was even still alive, of course. Suddenly, something very unpleasant interrupted my thoughts. I felt pain, pain in my arm. I wasn't dead... Yet. When I finally had the energy to open my eyes, I couldn't hold myself from looking around. My sight was still a bit blurry, so all I saw was mostly white. I was very cold. I tried to move, but the pain in my arm was too much. I groaned loudly, and finally realized I was all alone....

Click the Image to Read NomiGirl's Full Blog Entry!

Follow these exciting Tales with a New Winner Every Week On Stardoll!


