

Expanding Girls' Horizons in STEM

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March is Expanding Girls' Horizons in Science & Engineering Month
As a champion of all things education, STEM and female empowerment, I thought this would be an excellent topic to share with you all and highlight on the StarBlog.
Read on to learn more about careers in STEM from a featured Stardoll member!

Written by AllDolledUp

What is STEM or now known as STEAM? It is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines: science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.
Perhaps, the main reason there are less women in STEM fields is due to the lack of exposure: meaning girls were not traditionally encouraged to consider science, or engineering as a possible careers.

This results in a world were boys are the  ones being encouraged to take the STEM path, and filling up such positions later on. In the last few decades, there has been a rise in raising awareness on gender disparities and enouragement of STEM education through many educational programs, and there are even marketable "STEM toys" sold (EARLY EXPOSURE TO STEM IS IMPORTANT), as well as bootcamps that train young girls to pursue careers in science, tech or engineering popping up across major cities across the world. 

What better way to talk about the possibilities of STEM than by reading a first hand account from one of our very best and brighest Stardolls? 

Meet boookay an adult player from the USA, whose burgeoning sense of style is reflected in her fashionable Stardoll wardrobe, and enjoys performing giveaways in her fast-growing club.

Boookay graduated from university over a year ago, with a degree in "Chemical Engineering focusing on a concentration in Biomolecular Engineering" as well as a double minor in Microbiology and Biotechnology. This is a very bright Stardoll with an even brighter future ahead of her, and I was lucky enough to ask her a few questions regarding her experiences to share with you all on the StarBlog. 


"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Alex and I've been on Stardoll for over 11 years. Within that time, I took some time off from playing Stardoll to focus on my schooling and I came back towards the end of my college career. Looking back at my university years, I think I was crazy for loading my course load, but I actually am grateful that I did. I was lucky to graduate with a job in the biotechnology field as an engineer working at a startup company. I personally feel that had I not had such a diverse background, that I wouldn't have gained the skills that are necessary for me to be successful at my job. In my job, I am constantly drafting and conducting my own experiments to come to conclusions that are valuable across multiple areas.

At a startup, people wear a lot of hats a few areas I work in on a daily basis include quality control, back-half of manufacturing, and bench scientist. If you would have asked me 10 years ago where I would be, I would have never told you I'd be in the spot I am in today. I had been interested in the engineering field since attending engineering camp in middle school. I worked hard and ended up becoming the very thing I dreamed of being. In the future, I see myself going into the medical field whether it be as a physican or as a medical researcher, it is something I dream of doing."

For any of you interested in being in the STEM field I give following tips....


"If you are interested in a specific topic or field, don't be afraid to do a little more research to determine if it is something you'd want to further your education in. I was constantly looking up not only the best engineering schools, but what all you can do with an engineering degree."


"You can do almost anything with an engineering degree."



"Engineers have a unique mindset that allows them to do a lot of things. The courseload, although rigourous, prepares you for almost any scenario you may come across. I've met engineers who have lead non-profits, who have become chefs, doctors, and even soldiers."

My last piece of advice is to not let anyone discourage you from what you want to do.

 "Throughout my life, I've had multiple people suggest that I take the "easy" route, because they felt as if I couldn't do it when I knew that I could. As Henry Ford said, "If you think you can or you think you can't, then you are right."

Now,  Alex is focusing on her career, getting involved in exciting projects as well as doing a tutoring and a mentoring program on Sundays & Tuesdays while trying to go to the gym and maintaining a relationship.

If you ever have any questions about the STEM field, feel free to ask boookay in her guestbook and please share your tips and experiences exploring STEM in the comment section below. 


