

Make Your Own Candles

há 74 meses

Hey Everyone!

Do you like candles but can never find the right color or smell? Or maybe your just the artsy type that likes to make DIYs. Well if you are, then your in the right place. Candles are really cute, decorative and make great gifts. A hand-made candle, in my opinion, is so much more sincere than a store-bought one. To make your own candles you will need:

-1 crayon of your prefered color.

-1 toothpick

-1 small, round aluminum container.

-Stove (Not a microwave!)

-Thick piece of string

-Essential oils


-Set the stove onto high and place the crayon and the essential oils in the alumuinum container, making sure to take the wrapper off.

-Once the crayon is melted, tie the top bit of the thread onto the toothpick and dip the thread into the melted candle, leave a bit of string at the top so it can be lit.

-After putting the string in, leave the toothpick horizontal on the alumnium dish and let the mixture cool.

 -Once cooled, cut a bit of the string seperating the toothpick yet leaving a little bit left.

There you have it: a step-by-step guide on how to make your own colors. Melt two different colored crayons and pour them into one dish for a multi-colored crayon. Hopeyou enjoyed this!



