

Beating Anxiety Attacks

há 78 meses

Most people at some point in their lives will experience a panic attack. People who are anxious get them more often than others. Anxiety is usually caused by worrying and fearing for the worst. Here are some tips to help if you are feeling anxious.

- Understand your triggers. What is it that causes you to feel anxious? Identify the triggers if you feel that your attacks happen for specific reasons. 

- Deep breathing. If, like me, you hyperventilate, learning to control your breathing is a good way of reducing your symptoms of a panic attack. Take a few deep breaths in and out, and relax. 

- Find your focus. When you feel your anxiety taking over, focus your energy into someting else. This could be any object; I like to use stress balls. Putting your attention toward something else can help to distract you from the anxiety.

- Picture your favorite place.  Picture yourself in your favorite place in the world. Try to think about as much detail as possible. 

- Recognize your anxiety attacks. Remind yourself as it is happening that this is only temporary. Tell yourself that it will pass and things will be okay again. 

How do you deal with anxiety?


