Novembro 2012
- We've wondered for so long now when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will get married, and now Brad himself says that the wedding will take place in the near future: "The time is nigh", he just stated. They haven't set a date yet, but they're ok with that: "I don't even know what's going to happen in two weeks", he said laughing. Their kids are the ones who's pressuring them to get married very soon: "I am getting more pressure from my kids, and it is something I want to do within their lifetime, but I also feel like the time has to come... It's soon. I got a good feeling about it". Awww, isn't Angie just a very lucky woman?!
Olá, a doll maisfeiadomundo deu uma dica para um post que eu achei fenomenal, curiosidades sobre o mundo, e se vocês querem, eu faço. Então eu fui pesquisar as curiosidades mais caricatas à cerca do nosso planeta Terra.
Assim como existem vários "tipos" de filhos, também existem vários tipos de pais. Embora todas as pessoas sejam diferentes, quase que podemos, neste caso, inseri-las em categorias: os filhos mais certinhos, os filhos mais rebeldes, os pais mais ausentes, os mais presentes, os mais distantes, os mais próximos... No entanto, sejam os nossos pais como forem, devemos sempre lembrar-nos que eles todos os dias dão o seu melhor para nos educar...
- We spotted Miranda Kerr and her son Flynn heading into an office building in Manhattan yesterday. She looked amazing as always, but we're not too sure about her floral leather bag. It's original, that's one thing that's sure, but is it cool or not? Vote, tell and click on the pics for a closer look!
- I baked a cake the other day and it was so easy and quick! So, I would like to share with you my recipe for a quick and easy Chocolate Cake!
- Rita Ora posted this image on Twitter with the caption 'COUNTRY HOUSE BIRTHDAY!!' of herself yesterday on her 22nd b-day! Aw, how cute! We hope you had a GREAT day, Rita!
- There has been plenty of rumors around One Direction star Liam Payne lately, on how he's all set for a solo career and that he's dating singer Leona Lewis. Now he finally speaks out, and he's told us all about what's really going on. "I'm not dating Leona Lewis", he recently stated. "And my Youtube channel isn't for a solo career", the star continued. Yea, now we can all breathe out - he's NOT leaving One Direction! Thank god... (gossipcop)
- Como sempre o mundo da moda tem o dom de nos surpreender com as suas revoluções e com a constante mudança dos padrões de beleza. O que antigamente era considerado defeito, hoje passa a ser a referência e a imagem de marca de algumas pessoas...
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Dá-me uma certa piada dizer que o amor é o melhor sentimento do mundo. Acho que quem inventou isto nunca deve ter estado apaixonado. Nunca deve ter gostado mesmo muito de alguém.
- We spotted Rihanna arriving back at her hotel after a performance on X Factor in London yesterday. She was greeted by hordes of fans holding her latest album "Unapologetic" in their hands - which she happily signed with her autograph!
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"