Julho 2012
Como sabem estamos no Verão. É tempo de sair com os amigos e mostrar um bom bronzeado a quem passe por nós! Trago aqui algumas dicas para conseguirem um o bronzeado perfeito este Verão.
- With the big news of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes getting a divorce, we thought we would take a look at their past. From the happy times, the zombie years, and right before Katie's escape. Click on the pics to see if you can figure out where it all went wrong.
I understand that non superstars find it hard to make a gorgeous outfit without having stardollars to buy their favourite clothes, but you can easily look like amazing! Here is an outfit I made with using only starcoin and free items:
Olá! Depois de algum tempo "fora", pude finalmente voltar a dirigir as minhas atenções para a Stardoll, e em especial para o Starblogue. Durante as férias grandes por vezes dou por mim aborrecida, sem nada que fazer. Por isso, decidi deixar aqui algumas dicas para vocês...
Antes de tudo quero-vos agradecer pelos inúmeros comentários que recebi ao post anterior, obrigada a quem me apoia nesta causa. Trago-vos então algumas empresas que nao testam em animais!
- We spotted Rihanna and Blake Lively all suited up! They both chose an all red suit and we wonder if one colored suits is the next big celebrity trend coming up...? Rihanna's red suit with pink details was casually matched with a floral top and a pair of white shoes. Blake was more dressed up, matching her red suit with high Louboutin heels. But there's a winner in everything, and now it's up to you- who wore the red suit best? Vote and decide!
- I've seen the muscle trend with the boy medolls around Stardoll lately. They achieve enhancing their muscles by using StarDesign Hair -- creative!
Hoje venho com um artigo que tem como tema “a saudade”. Decidi escrevê-lo porque todas as pessoas já passaram por um momento assim ou irão passá-lo algum dia.
- I'm in love with the jungle theme at the moment: the idea kinda came from seeing pictures of Edward James' surreal gardens in Xilitla. They're just so beautiful and I wanted to try and capture the exotic jungle feel of the Mexican jungle in my suite room :)
- We bet you guys forgot that Justin Bieber used to be a regular high school student, who still needed to get his diploma! Well, last Thursday, The Biebs was just like every other teenager- he finally graduated high school! He didn't attend the ceremony, but his name was listed at St. Micheal Catholic Secondary School in Stratford, Ontario. Justin hasn't announced any plans to attend college, but he doesn't really have the time anyways. Anyways, congrats Justin! (Source: jezebel)
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"