Julho 2009
Stardoll Admin
It all began with me sitting around one evening, no plans, just surfing around Stardoll and stumbled across a contest they had organized. Usually I don’t enter anything like that. There’s no real chance you’re going to win. But this time I did do it and Thursday night at seven pm I’m sitting at Bistro berns drinking a Latte with the Stardoll Crew.
Unreal ...
- Coleção outono-inverno 2009-2010 Jean Paul Gaultiers Haute-Couture
Confira que expetáculo!
- Momento Musical Julian Stardoll:
Confira o Tributo a Michael Jackson, feito pelo grupo Bounce, ontem na cidade de Estocolmo.
- It is now set that Jude Law will be the face for the luxurious fashion house Christian Dior.
Jessica Stam will be the female face and here are som backstage pics.
Charlize Theron and Monica Belluci are two other big names who have done campains for Dior!
Artigo em destaque: "10 anos de Stardoll, 5 de Starblogue"MelanieCo.
Artigo em destaque: "Encontrarmo-nos a meio de uma pandemia"miss_vilarelho28
Artigo em destaque: "PERGUNTAS A UMA DESIGNER DE MODA"Spoiled
Artigo em destaque: "Voltei!"