Red carpet
- Już po pierwszym weekendzie Festiwalu Filmowego w Cannes 2009. Gwiazdy spędziły cały weekend na stylowych imprezach na czerwonym dywanie ... zobacz naszych ulubieńców ... podziel sie z nami swoimi przemyśleniami, może trafią do nowego okna Red Carpet w Starplaza ?
- There was so much excitement at the Brit Awards show last night, we don't really know where to begin! ...
Stardoll Admin
- Kate Winslet has received a whole lot of attention during the award season thanks to her work in the movies The Reader and Revolutionary Road ...
- Jedne z najwiekszych nazwisk Hollywood znajdują się w filmie "Kobiety pragną bardziej", więc na premierze nie zabrakło takich gwiazd, jak: Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Ben Affleck i Drew Barrymore!
- Brad Pitt i Angelina Jolie byli w Japonii na premierze nagrodzonego filmu Brada "Ciekawy przypadek Benjamina Buttona."
- As usual the red carpet was streaming with celebs such as Desperate Housewives Marcia Cross, Eva Longoria, Nicollette Sheridan and Teri Hatcher; Penelope Cruz, America Ferrera, Kate Winslet, Anne Hathaway and Amy Adams. Its wasn't a great night for fashion, the dresses mostly looked too frilly. We think Evan Rachel Wood was definitely the star style of the night!
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie raved about each other in seperate interviews on the SAG Awards red carpet, with Angelina saying Brad is the person she admires most in the world and Brad gushing about Angelina's timeless beauty! About time these two got a bit chatty!
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