"It is easily overlooked that what is now called vintage was once brand new". - Tony Visconti
Stardoll - a lovely place to find out about the latest fashion sensations and, of course, live that luxurious dream. The Starplaza is where you can do just that. With fabulous shops that tend to release new collections daily, your supply of beautiful garments will never run low!
One of my favorite shops that Stardoll's exclusive Starplaza has to offer is 'Decades': an ever-changing vintage boutique! With a variety of magnificent authentic apparel, you are able to take a step back in time. This website is full of rare individuals that have their own passion for fashion. If you are a new member here, or even a pioneer - I recommend taking a closer look at this shop! Vintage is a staple for those that are fashion forward. This store will help you to understand the history of the powerful clothing and trends that you see today.
Leave a comment if you are wearing something from Decades. Who knows, you might just end up in my next post, right here in Stardoll Magazine!
- W końcu znalazłam czas, by pokazać wam nowe niesamowite budynki. Zaczynamy od Litwy, a dokładniej Kowna, gdzie znajduje centrum biurowe znane jako "Banknotowy budynek".
- Jakiś czas temu na blogu odbył się konkurs na fryzurę marzeń, w którym nagrodami były stardollary oraz prezentacja prac w Starblogu. Poniżej przedstawiam Wam zwycięskie prace, w które autorzy włożyli mnóstwo pracy, talentu i cierpliwości.
Hello starblog readers.
As somebody who has been on stardoll for a long time I wanted to share with you some tips I've learned over the years on keeping your accounts safe and avoiding various scams.
1, Scam: "Want a free makeover? Send me your password it's hack free!"
The truth: There is nothing wrong with giving a makeover on stardoll BUT there is no need to give out your password! All you need to do is go to their suite, click beauty parlor, do the makeover and take a photo by clicking the button you can see here. The photo will be saved in your pictures where your friend can look at it and copy what you did. No password required!
- It's that time again, Dollies! Well, yes, it's time for the Dream Suite, but it's also soon time for Twilight: Breaking Dawn! Yeah!
I don't know about you, but I cannot wait until the premiere for the new Twilight movie. It's going to be so awesome! It's been on my mind, and it even helped me choose this week's Dream Suite feature: Bella5_5Edward from Greece!
The Twilight series is a modern fairy tale, and Bella5_5Edward's Suite rooms are a fairy tale lover's dream! Mermaids, dreamy forest scenes, even Rapunzel in her high tower!
Click through to the images in this post, then head on over to Bella5_5Edward's suite to see more! (And trust me, there's lots more to see!)
- Witajcie. Ostatnio napisałam Wam artykuł o butach, więc pomyślałam, że teraz czas na coś innego, ale równie zaskakującego. Mianowcie, są to torebki. Każda dziewczyna, każda kobieta je uwielbia.
While visiting ..Sindy... I noticed something was different about her bottom Beach Villa. She turned it into a train ride!
Here's a little preview of things:
So today I really wanted to feature a very talented user that goes by the name of Naitsirhc_101. As well as being a fabulous writer, an awesome friend and a lovely person in general, she is also a terrific graphic designer and has even started up her own magazine which goes by the name of Lottery. The cover above is of the current Halloween issue, which features the beautiful Lel1996 on it.
- Nowoczesne czy dziwne? Wygodne czy niewygodne? Praktyczne czy raczej nie? Przedstawię Wam kilka mebli i sami odpowiecie sobie na te pytanie. Są bardzo oryginalne i dziwne zarazem. Mało nie kosztują, tego możemy być pewni.
- Noel Cruz jest jednym z najbardziej wszechstronnych i wybitnych artystów - maluje lalki. Jest najbardziej uznawany za lalki ze względu na ich niesamowite podobieństwo do ludzi, których przedstawiają. Wykonuje także portrety. Wysoko ceniony wśród kolekcjonerów i artystów.
Prezentowany wpis: "‘Kwieciście’ w sezon wiosna/lato '13"CrAzY_GiRl_8_27
Prezentowany wpis: "Dzień kobiet"missmariksza
Prezentowany wpis: "Książkowe rzeźby"Lilyam
Prezentowany wpis: "Przepisy"