- Thank you for those who are coming back to view my videos. This is a very special video. It follows two other videos that give you techniques and tricks for any make-up lover. ANYONE can watch this video. This video will specifically show you how to enhance the look of your eyes and make them bigger. If you don't want your eyes to 'seem' bigger, then this video isn't for you. Thanks for watching and keep telling me what are your questions about make-up. I will happily make a video for you on that specific question of yours next time!
- Sometimes it may seem like your skin is impossible to manage. Today, I'm here to put an end to all of that. Here are some tips to help prevent breakouts and clear them up as fast as possible:
One of my absolute favorite stores on Stardoll is Voile. My style on Stardoll usually consists of one of the beautiful skirts or dresses from this store. Voile has many elaborate pieces and amazing accessories!
Here are some of my favorite dresses I bought from the Starbazaar:
One of my favorite stores in the Starbazaar and the Starplaza is Archive. Archive consists of clothing Stardoll had out previously in other stores (Pretty in Love, Viole, Rio, etc.) and bring them back in the Starplaza for a limited time. Some of my favorite Archive purchases from the Starbazaar are these dresses:
- Hey Dollies! This is my first ever post in the Starblog and really excited! First, I'd just like to thank the Stardoll staff for giving me the opportunity to be a Starblogger.
- Zawsze modna i pożądana; potrzebna przynajmniej jedna w każdej szafie; idealna na ważne i mniej ważne okazje; klasyk i podstawa – o czym mowa? O czarnej sukience. Dziś przedstawię wam kilka pomysłów na strój właśnie w tym stylu, stworzony z aktualnie dostępnych w Starplazie artykułów.
Hey Stardoll! Have you guys heard of Jack & Finn, the twins from youtube? They have got to be one of the cutest twins on the planet! Jack and Finn have over 30 videos and over 22,000,000 video views on youtube! After you watch this video of Jack introducing his brother Finn to all of youtube be sure to watch more of their videos! If you have a youtube account don't forget to subscribe their channel: Jacksgap!
- ‘Jeśli wejdziesz między wrony, musisz…’ – znacie to przysłowie? Ale jak to jest, czy rzeczywiście trzeba krakać tak jak one? Wszystko zależy od nas.
- Your oil lamps are ready, your garden is adorned with lights, and your house is shining brighter than ever. But what about you? Are you dressed for Diwali?
- Witajcie. Dzisiaj mam dla was stylizacje z koszulkami Basic (za 37sm) ;)
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Prezentowany wpis: "Książkowe rzeźby"Lilyam
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