- Have you noticed how some celebrities have been adorning their manicured hands with "handlets?" Nicole Scherzinger, Rita Ora and Natalia Vodianova are some of the famous faces spotted with this interesting trend!
- Czym właściwie są Andrzejki? Obchodzimy je w nocy z 29 na 30 listopada, podczas której robimy wróżby mające zdradzić nam nadchodzącą przyszłość. Teraz robimy to tylko dla zabawy, aby spędzić czas z przyjaciółmi, kiedyś jednak traktowano je bardzo poważnie, każda niezamężna dziewczyna wróżyła sobie, aby odgadnąć imię, pochodzenie bądź zawód przyszłego męża. Męskim odpowiednikiem tego święta są Katarzynki.
- Elsa Mora jest artystką, która tworzy piękne, różnorodne prace artystyczne. Kobieta szkicuje, maluje, wycina i projektuje cudowne stroje...niezupełnie przeznaczone dla ludzi ;) Serią kilku artykułów postaram się pokazać większość z nich...
- Although fried foods are obviously never the healthiest choice, they are quite tasty, once in a while. :)
Hi Dollies, I just thought that I might give you all tips on making friends since I know how hard it is. Next year I'll be starting secondary school where you need to make friends and I'm sure that a lot of other dollies will be too so here are the tips:
1. Don't be scared to go over talk to people, just go over and say hi!
- Friendship is a valuable thing. It should be handled with care. Friendships could last forever, or short lived. Whatever the weather, friendships are here to stay. Friendships are something everybody has and/or needs. It's the way we live that we need them.
I'm sure you've all heard of the most popular music video by now. The song that is playing on nearly every computer is called Gangnam Style by PSY! This video is setting unbelievable recored on youtube. It has the second most views, just behind Justin Bieber- Baby ft. Ludacris video. Gangnam Style has over 4,000,000 likes and over 682,000,000 views! Some of the fans in the comments are trying to get the video to have 1 billion views which would be the first video to reach that recored!
- Żyjemy bardzo szybko i mamy coraz mniej czasu aby o siebie zadbać. Szkoła, korepetycje, dodatkowe zajęcia, znajomi...i gdzie w tym wszystkim jestem JA i moje zdrowie?
When you join stardoll, you are given money and items, and then it's down to you. My posts will show you how to become a stardoll queen from nothing. You can use any freebie or beginners item to make an outfit that rocks, you just need the ability.
...I am the latest Starblogger, Redstargal. It's an honor to be chosen to write for the Starblog, and I can't put into words how thrilled I am.
Just a little bit about myself. I am thirteen years old, I like fashion, reading, writing, and Stardoll. I can't wait to write for you, and thank you for reading.
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