- As teenagers, I'm sure we've all exprienced mood swings. In this post, I will be talking about the good and the bad about mood swings and why our moods change very frequently at certain times.
- Apologies for not being very active on my account recently- School studies! But today marks my first Christmas holiday post! So, here are my twelve tips about creating the perfect Christmas atmosphere including Christmas Cookies and Cakes, Christmas decor, Christmas beverages, Christmas Scents and Christmas outfits:
Well guess what? It's that time of year again, and Christmas is right around the corner as advent is getting ready to start.
- Na Stardoll żyrandole pełnią głównie funkcje ozdoby w naszych apartamentach – gdyż ‘tak czy siak’ zawsze jest w nich jasno i nie trzeba włączać światła. Stąd warto pomyśleć o dodatkowym ich ulepszeniu gdy już zdecydujemy się by zawisł pod sufitem w pokoju naszej medoll.
- W moim poprzednim artykule pokazałam Wam "kwiatowe panienki" Elsy Mory. Tym razem postanowiłam stworzyć artykuł o innych pracach tej artystki...papierowych wycinankach. Wszystkie dzieła (a jest ich bardzo wiele) są niezwykle kreatywne i mają to "coś" co wywołuje u mnie podziw - oryginalność. Ponadto są fantastycznie wykonane i bardzo delikatne...
- Hello everyone! Today I am doing an interview with one of Stardoll's amazing members, uniquegirl310 about her great club! I hope you enjoy reading this and join her club!
If you’re living in the USA then you’re probably celebrating Thanksgiving today! In celebration of the holiday let’s look at it's history and traditions.
- Hey dollies! First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of posts. I've been really busy, and I have been blanking out on ideas for blog posts! So, today I decided that it's been too long since I've posted, and I put together a makeup tutorial. This look is a bit dramatic, but it's perfect for the holidays, and even Thanksgiving! Here's the tutorial:
- Just a quick note; You won't be expecting many Starblog posts from me these past few weeks. I will be pretty busy, since I've got a lot of ballet concert rehearsals and other after-school or weekend activities.
- Hey Dollies! I had multiple requests asking to make a frost/snow inspired makeup tutorial, So here it is![:
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Prezentowany wpis: "Książkowe rzeźby"Lilyam
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