

Mini Collections!

110 miesięcy temu

Do you love collecting matching rares but don't want to spend all your Stardollars on entire collections of limited or tribute collections? I have a fun solution for you! Read on to find out how to match together and decide on your own mini collections and collections within collections!

Here's my mini collection - these are the Dior matching flower top and skirt sets!

The Art of the Mini Collection
If you look at any tribute or limited collection, you will be able to see items and outfits that match or go together really well. These are your mini collections! Once you identify the mini collections within a big collection, focus on finding and collecting these items instead of the whole collection. This will be much less expensive, but will still look great displayed in your suite!

Shop Window Collections
A shop window collection is one that is only released in the shop window - there are no floors to these shops, meaning they're much smaller! Think of some of the recent Young Hollywood or Windows on the World releases. Collecting these types of collections will be less expensive because there's less to buy - you can have a full collection without spending all your Stardollars!

DIY Mini Collections
You can always make your own matching mini collections by searching for items that fit a theme of your choice from any brand. This can be a really fun way to collect items because you can choose your own theme - pink, dogs, nature, space... so many options! Simply focus on collecting items that fit your theme. What a great collection to display!

Do you have any mini collections?


