Grudzień 2012
- It's a girl for Gisele Bundchen and her husband Tom Brady! The couple announced the pregnancy back in August, and now she's finally here, a little girl named Vivian Brady! Tom and Gisele already have one son together, Benjamin Brady, who's turning three this weekend. We guess he's overjoyed with this early birthday gift!
Yes! It's nearly that event of the year again- Christmas! The happiest day on earth. Have you been good? I hope so, because you do want the jolly good old Santa to go down your chimney.
But what is your Stardoll beauty parlour going to look like for Christmas? Got to think! Got to think..
Heres an idea for what to look like for Christmas.
I hope you enjoy the tutorial.
Do you want to learn a language, but you don't know how or rather you're bored of exercise books & Co ?
I've got a tip for you:
Do you know one of the advantages on Stardoll, which could delight your parents, too?
You can learn several languages!
Święta mają swoją magię, którą możemy odczuć ten jeden raz w roku siedząc z rodziną przy wigilijnym stole czy wspólnie z rodzeństwem ubierając choinkę. Zastanawialiście się kiedyś, jak Gwiazdka wygląda w innych krajach?
It's that time of year when just before the Holidays we'll be getting lots of work to do, projects, tests and exams to study for. But, how can we manage to do everything at once? Here's a simple list to help you prepare for your finals just before your Christmas vacation. No pressure whatsoever.
Firstly, if you have missed previous Christmas posts go to my personal blog which you can get to via my page where you will find them. Ok, so this post is a Christmas fasion post. Conveniently, the Alpine Chalet cloathes store is on a 50% discount sale at the moment and they sell Wintery/Christmasy clothes. This is the outfit I came up with:
- I'm sure it happened to you - you propose yourself something for the next year - you want to save up money, to be better at school or to lose weight. And at the end of the year you sit there and think "Ah, I didn't make it - I will make it next year - for sure!" This happens every year, again and again. What should you do to manage it?
Hey there guys. Wow! The year's nearly over. And it's the beginning of Summer for those of us in Australia! ;D
Doing a good suite may mean spending a lot of starcoins and stardollars, having lots of furniture, and you would have to do a whole lot of planning out! No need for stress, here I'll show you how to do a stylish, modern Summer Room without having to spend so many starcoins or stardollars.
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