Listopad 2012
Hey everyone, stardoll released a new collection for the Basic shop today and I fell in love with their new collection, so I decided to create two looks using some of the basic clothing for you guys, hope you like it♥
A big congratulations to the United States of America's 44th and current president, Barack Obama, for being re-elected! '08 and '12 will prove to be 2 great terms led by a great man, and his beautiful family.
- This post will be about 'Tips on washing your hair'. Washing your hair is important, it keeps your hair beautiful and clean! Now, what are the most important things you should know when washing your hair? Here is a list.
- Ok sorry, we know we're just going on and on about Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's reconciliation, but everything is just so new now and we love it! It feels like they've just started dating again and we can't wait to see what will happen next. We just told you yesterday how they're adopting a dog, but now Kristen also reveals that she actually wants babies too! "I can't wait to be a mom", she answered when a reporter asked her if she's ready to have kids. "But like, no, I can wait", she quickly added and explained that she wants to be a mom, but not right now. RPatz is also a big fan of kids, and we think he'd have no problems taking on the role of a father: "I love working with a baby.. I would say, put a baby in every scene", he recently said about kids. Honestly, a little vampire baby would be the perfect end of the Twilight saga. We mean a little KStew-RPatz baby, of course...
Here is another celebrity inspired make-over. I hope you guys like it and make sure to leave a comment telling me the next celeb you want me to do. Btw I only tried copying her make-over. Enjoy!
- Lots of people think that modelling is a very glamorous job, travelling all over the world and meeting lots of famous people, but it's actually a lot of hard work! You need to be ready to work very hard, listen to lots of different people and love having your picture taken!
- We wish you a happy, happy 26th birthday today! Since it's her big day and since we're all a big fan of her, we thought we'd share some pictures with you guys from the beginning of her fame until today. Has she changed a lot? Which look do and don't you like? Click on the pics and decide yourself! Once again, happy b-day, Emma!
- Elaine Davidson urodziła się w Brazylii. Wykonywała zawód pielęgniarki i wiodła spokojne życie. Nie wyróżniała się zbytnio pośród tłumu, ale postanowiła to zmienić...
- Barack Obama won the election this year - that's no news for anyone, huh? We got curious about which celebrities stood behind him during the battle, and what they did to make him win. Click on the pics and see stars like Scarlett Johansson and Jay-Z who did everything they could to make Obama President of the United States for another four years!
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