Maj 2012
- Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, and Khloe Kardashian are probably the most famous sister trio in Hollywood. And we'll admit it, we're obsessed with them! But out of the three, which sis is your fave? Vote and let us know!
- We spotted Ian Somerhalder outside his hotel in Soho. He's so hot and have the nicest ice-blue eyes! Was in town to support his gf, Nina Dobrev, while she attended this year's Met Gala? While we're jealous that Nina landed Ian, we think they're such a great couple.
- Dzisiaj znowu mowa o cudownej, kolorowej Katie. Postanowiła ona zrobić coś gigantycznego, a zarazem przydatnego. Mowa tu o wielkim domku dla lalek.
- Maj zwany jest miesiącem zakochanych, a jednym z symboli miłości jest czerwona róża. A czy zastanawialiście się, co oznaczają pozostałe kolory?
- We spotted actress Katherine Heigl with her mum Nancy Heigl after having lunch at House Cafe in Los Angeles, and she was looking like a striped supermom. The experts always say that horizontal stripes are unflattering for your body, but not on the 33-year-old actress! She looks great! And yes, simplicity rocks!
- We saw Lindsay Lohan and Woody Allen at dinner the other night! Is Scarlett Johansson out and Lilo in as Woody's new muse? Or was it something more?Turns out was a possible business dinner. No far flung romantic ideals here- Woody's wife, Soon-Yi Previn, was also at the dinner. Sources close to Lilo and Woody claim that the duo hopes to work together soon. Booking a Woody Allen movie would be the perfect move for Lindsay- it would be exactly what her career needs. Here's to hoping! (perezhilton)
- Spotted! Gwen Stefani looking super hot in pink and polka dots! Seriously, Gwen is the only person we know who can pull off a pink leather jacket and polka dot pants. We love this whimsical look, but wouldn't dare wear it ourselves. That's why we love Gwen!
- We spotted cute actress Vanessa Hudgens heading out for lunch in a long pink floral maxidressdress at Sun Cafe in Studio City with her mother Gina Guangco and sister Stella Hudgens. We think that she looked lovely in her flowery ensemble! To her bohemian look she added some silver bracelets, what a perfect everyday outfit for a spring day in May!
- We spotted model Pixie Geldof and singer Paloma Faith rocking the same Dolce & Gabbana chili printed dress. Pixie wore her dress on the red carpet matched with black peep-toe heels and Paloma wore hers with a black jacket and a round red bag. But who wore it better? That's up to you. Vote and tell us!
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