Luty 2012
- Just like us, our favorite celebs love to shop vintage! We've spotted celebs like Nicole Richie in exclusive vintage stores and Reese Witherspoon is known to wear vintage dresses on the red carpet! The best part about wearing vintage is knowing that you have a one of a kind outfit, and in Hollywood standing out is a must! Click on the pics to see which celebs love vintage.
- Od wprowadzenia StarDesign Jewelry, funkcja ta stała się bardzo popularna i jest to zdecydowanie ‘strzał w dziesiątkę’ jeśli chodzi o stardollowe nowości. Ulubionym elementem ze StarDesign Jewelry tych projektantów są z pewnością pióra, znajdujące się na 2 stronie w przyborniku z akcesoriami, które można użyć dodekoracji rzeczy którą chcemy stworzyć.
- If you love french toast, you'll love this recipe.
- Kanye West is having film aspirations again! Kanye is not only an amazing hip-hop singer, he's also very culturally interested and educated. He has dispatched scouts to the United Arab Emirates and the surrounding area to scout locations for a planned 30-minute short film that will "showcase the beauty of the region". Kanye has conceived the story himself, and quotes a source as saying the film will be "a piece that’s culturally sensitive and embraces the customs and traditions of the region." Well, this sounds really intresting! We all remember his amazing short films from his latest album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy", so we're really looking forward to this Kanye! (
- Wiele osób nie wie jak urządzić swój apartament. Często wynika to z niewielkiej ilości funduszy, lub po prostu - braku pomysłów. Postanowiłam ułatwić Wam to i przygotowałam własny pomysł na stworzenie jednego z pomieszczeń. Będzie nim taras. Jest bardzo łatwy do wykonania. Mam nadzieje, że Wam się spodoba.
Hey, so my last Stardoll Wardrobe Essentials post was all about the black coloured basics, and this one is about the white/pale basics that I think should be in all wardrobes!
1. White Vest Top. This item is a key piece for a great Stardoll wardrobe. It is from Bizou and costs only 50SC's - what a bargain! It's a versatile piece and can be worn in pretty much all styles - tucked into a skirt, loose with jeans, with a jacket - there are endless possibilities for this gem!
- Elizabeth Olsen has always been overshadowed by her sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley. But recently Elizabeth had been seen increasingly in the spotlight! She has delivered amazingly unique clothing looks on the red carpet! Lizzie mixes Ashley’s sophistication and Mary Kate’s trendy ‘boho’ allure, with a bit of retro flair to make her own personal style, and we love it! Click on the pictures and get inspired of Hollywood's new fashionista!
- Today, Madonna releases her first single and music video from the upcoming album "MDNA". The single is called "Give Me All Your Luvin" featuring Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. If you're curious about how it sounds, here is a preview of the music video.
- Heidi Klum and her cute kdis were spotted leaving a restaurant after having lunch together. It looks so weird without Seal by her side, but we're sure it's for the best. Right...?
"You're fat."
"You're annoying,"
"I hate her."
Sadly, these sayings are way to familiar in kids today. Physical, mental, verbal, cyber bullying is a devastating habit that's stealing the innocence of today's generation. Bullying is much more than words- it's something that can truly affect someone in a horrid way. As I was scrolling through stardoll, I noticed the user tokyocartoons was selling ' NO H8' designs supporting the NO H8 campaign to stop bullying.
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