Październik 2011
- Zapewne większość z Was spotykała się już z perukami. Kupować je można w każdym sklepie z dodatkami lub na festynach/koncertach. Mam dziś dla Was którtki ale rzeczowy artykuł o perukach dla kotów.
- Freida Pinto and her boyfriend, Dev Patel, were spotted out on a date the other night! We think they are the cutest couple ever! Freida is so gorgeous!
- Buty bez obcasów. Jest ich wiele: trambki, balerinki, adidasy, sandały itp. Dziś przedstawię wam kilka przykładów (dokładnie 3) zawsze modnych butów bez obcasów.
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- Kalosze... Zawsze modne, miliony wzorów, kolorów, rozmiarów... W dodatku znane już na całym świecie!
- We love street style and we love it even more when our fave celebs are dressed off duty! Gwyneth Paltrow, Rachel Bilson, and Kristin Cavallari were all at the top of their game this week! Click on the pics to see our top ten looks straight from the street!
- The very dashing, very charming Hugh Jackman, might just be the next James Bond! We've fallen in love with James and think he's the ideal gentleman, so naturally Hugh would be perfect for the part!
Hugh was actually offered the part a few years ago, but he turned it down because he was getting ready to shoot X-Men 2. Well, now he's interested in the role! Of course he would have to fight the equally hot Daniel Craig for the role! Now that would be a fight we would love to see! Who do you think would be the better Bond: Hugh or Daniel?(perezhilton)
Photo: Getty Images
In the past ten years, in no particular order, Karl Lagerfeld’s designed collections for Chanel, Fendi, Hogan and Lagerfeld, capsule collections for Macy’s and H&M, worked campaigns for Volvo, Magnum Ice Cream and Diet Coke, directed short films for Chanel, designed crystal for Orrefors and a $1500 teddy bear for Steiff, provided voice overs for Grand Theft Auto, sketched wine labels and launched K by Karl Lagerfeld, a short lived collection of men’s and women’s contemporary clothing. But now, he’s getting serious. The prolific designer announced his newest project—which sounds more like a comprehensive empire—called Karl, this morning.
Photo: Imaxtree
What do fashion month and the primaries have in common? Other than seeming never-ending, more than you think. Over the last couple of weeks, there’s been a battle brewing in the fashion world over the international show dates for the spring 2013 season (which takes place in the fall of 2012). Just over two years ago, the leading fashion councils from each of the four fashion capitols—London, New York, Paris and Milan—met to draft a set calendar for the coming years. The first three agree that the calendar was meant to be in place for years to come while Milan claims it was for three years only, and is vowing to move up its show dates to overlap with New York and London’s. If that happens, photographers, editors, models, and buyers would have to choose who they need to see—and who they are willing to miss. As the fashion world’s major players play a serious game of “me first,” a group of power players in a very different world are playing the same game. If you remember, the 2008 presidential campaign was one of the longest in history. We painstakingly watched the horse race for nearly two years: Obama’s in New Hampshire; Hillary’s in Iowa; Those other guys who didn’t have a chance are in South Carolina. Then, as well as now, the forgotten states complained that New Hampshire and Iowa got all the glory simply because their primaries were before them. No fair! Why do they get all the influence and attention that goes with going first? Why do a bunch of people in a room in Iowa get to set the standards? This year, as other states threaten to move up their primaries, New Hampshire’s threatening to move its primaries up to December—December!—so as to keep its coveted leader-of-the-pack status. And so we find ourselves in the midst of another excruciatingly drawn-out presidential politics season (do we really need a Republican debate every week?)—and we can’t even escape into the party-filled fashion world anymore.
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